Hope Papua Tilawatil Quran winners be national champion: Governor


Jayapura, Papua (ANTARA) – Papua Governor Muhammad Ridwan Rumasukun expressed hope that the winners of the 27th Tilawatil Quran Selection (STQ) in Jayapura City can become the champion at the national level competition in Jambi in October 2023.”The presence of Papuan representatives in the national level STQ competition is very important because it can inform all Indonesians that Papua has solid diversity,” he said here on Sunday. ccording to Rumasukun, STQ is a platform to foster young people’s spirit of reciting and studying the Quran. “STQ is a platform to grow the spirit of reading and studying the Quran, so that it is truly used as a life guidance for Muslims, especially children and the youth, in facing the influence of globalization,” he said. He emphasized that parents must provide good education to their children, starting from character, moral, and religious education, so the next generation can have a strong faith. “To realize this hope, activities to accelerate the eradication of Quran illiteracy must be carried out, such as encouraging Quran recitation in places of worship and so on,” he said. Rumasukun hoped that young people can take examples from STQ in their study , and practice the holy book’s contents in their daily lives. “For those who won (STQ), they must improve their abilities and achievements, and for those who did not, continue to study to gain better achievements in the future,” he said. The governor added that the most important thing in the STQ implementation is to grow awareness and enthusiasm to learn and apply Quran teachings. Meanwhile, the Papua STQ this year was held from June 18-24, 2023, at the Papua Province’s Tilawatil Quran Development Institute (LPTQ), Jayapura City. Related news: Temanggung: Visually impaired recite the Quran using Braille

Source: Antara News Agency