His Majesty the King has graciously allowed General Apirat to be relieved of his position as a special military officer.

Internal Affairs

The Royal Gazette website published a royal command for General Apirat to be relieved of his duties as a special military officer due to his resignation from the civil service, while Col. Mom Chao Nawaporn was transferred to the Royal Security Command.

Reporters reported that on September 10, 2024, the Royal Gazette website published a royal decree announcing that commissioned officers would be released from their duties as special military officers, stating that:

His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun has graciously bestowed royal command to relieve commissioned officers from performing their duties as special military officers.

Pursuant to the powers under Section 15 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, B.E. 2560, together with Sections 4 and 9 of the Royal Household Administration Act, B.E. 2560, Sections 10, 13, 15 and 18 of the Royal Decree on the Organization of Administration and Personnel Management of the Royal Household, B.E. 2560

His Majesty the King has gracio
usly granted permission for three commissioned officers to be released from their duties as special officers of the Royal Guards Regiment, Royal Guards Headquarters, Royal Security Command, as follows:

General Apirat Kongsompong has been relieved of his duties as a special military officer due to his resignation from the civil service.

General Narongphan Jitkaewtae has been relieved of his duties as a special military officer after being transferred to the Royal Security Command.

Colonel Mom Chao Nawaporn Yukol has been relieved of his duties as a special military officer due to being transferred to the Royal Security Command.

This is effective from 6 September 2024.

Announced on September 9, 2567, the 9th year of the present reign.

Source: Thai News Agency