Grand, lively start of Papua XX National Sports Week


Rise and win together towards the future was the message delivered at the opening of Papua’s XX National Sports Week in Lukas Enembe Stadium, Sentani, Jayapura, on Saturday night, October 2, 2021.

The dynamic, lively art showcase was played out in the stadium that also bears other nicknames, such as the Papua Rise Main Stadium, or Hope Stadium.

Before eight thousand pair of eyes, or 20 percent of the stadium’s maximum capacity, a traditional dance titled “Welcome Papua” commenced the series of events.

One by one, contingents from 34 provinces of Indonesia entered the stadium. Although the opening only allowed a maximum of 20 people per contingent, the festivity did not fade away. The COVID-19 health protocol curbs also could not diminish the enthusiasm and high spirits.

The contingents were called alphabetically according to their regions, such as Aceh, Banten, and Bengkulu. Papua, on the other hand, made the last appearance on the list.

The traditional dance performance became an attraction among other performances by celebrities at the opening of the first National Sports Week in Papua ever.

Dances from five traditional areas in Papua during the opening emphasized the diversity of Papua, as the home to hundreds of tribes with different arts and cultures.

The five traditional areas shown in the dance were the Tabi Manta custom, the Saereri custom, the La Pago custom, the Mee Pago custom, and the Anim Ha custom.

Despite having various traditional territories, the National Sports Week has become a melting pot for all of it, a place of unity in the competition to win together towards the future.

Win together

The message was conveyed by Papua Govenor Lukas Enembe while welcoming everyone to that land. “Today, full of hope, I compel everyone. 2021 Papua XX National Sports Week is a symbol of victory, our symbol of victory. Welcome, fight well. Torang Bisa! (We Can!)”

The XX National Sports Week will stress on the fact that Papua was always a part of Indonesia, Enembe stated.

“We, Papuans, will always be an inseparable part of Indonesia because the Red and White is always in our hearts,” he remarked.

The “win together” sentiment was reflected in the opening theme that illustrated how Papua rose to the future through performances that display Papua in the past, present, and future.

The opening of the Papua National Sports Week was also the stage set for Papua’s youth to score brilliant achievements in several aspects of life.

The concept of winning, rising, and walking towards the future was drawn from President Joko Widodo’s statement during the opening that took place at the Papua Rise Stadium.

“This sports week illustrates the progress of Papua, shows the readiness of infrastructure in Papua, and the preparedness of the Papuan people to organize big events to excel nationally and internationally,” President Jokowi stated during the opening of Papua National Sports Week at the Lukas Enembe Stadium in Jayapura District.

National Sports Week held great meaning for all Indonesians, he noted. It is a stage meant to uphold unity, a stage for togetherness, brotherhood, equality, and justice and to advance and prosper together with the rest of Indonesia.

Enthusiasm to rise

Since noon, Papuan people have been highly enthusiastic about attending the opening of the Papua PON. They were present even six hours prior to the start of the event at 7 p.m. local time.

According to ANTARA’s observations, spectators present at Lukas Enembe Stadium queued up at the first entrance to check masks and maintain distance.

After passing through the first door, they received a bracelet to show their identity as a spectator.

Their body temperature and their belongings were checked after getting the bracelets.

They were also offered a red bag containing snacks and drinks.

“I have been looking for information for several days, so I can watch live at the stadium. I am grateful that I have been vaccinated, so I can enter (the stadium),” Zulkifli, a spectator present at the stadium in Sentani, Jayapura District, stated.

Another visitor, Irma Reyaan, 31, claimed to have registered online through an available site, online ticketing service, since last Thursday, September 30.

Reyaan from Enterop, Jayapura City, has met the requirements as an audience that can watch in person, as the resident has a COVID-19 second dose vaccination certificate apart from having filled in personal data as stated in the ID card.

In addition to registering via online ticketing service, visitors can get tickets online through the official website of PB Papua XX National Sports Week. The tickets were offered free of charge although the quota is limited.

The audience will receive an invitation letter that can be downloaded right after registering. The letter will be exchanged for a spectator bracelet at the stadium.

The enthusiasm of the audience to enter the Kampung Harapan Stadium was palpable until evening.

Stadium staff members even had to close the entrance, as there was an huge influx of visitors that will lead to crowding.

The stadium entrance gate was only opened to the event committee, medical personnel, and security forces that ensure the event ran smoothly.

“I have not been able to enter for two hours. The (number of) people (who may come) inside are limited even though the event has already started,” visitor from Jakarta, Rudi Rukmiana, 44, stated.

The crowd at the entrance gate was diverted to an entertainment area in the Present Papua zone, which has a large videotron to broadcast live the opening of the Papua National Sports Week by President Joko Widodo.

Strict process

Health protocols that were enforced strictly are deemed necessary for the XX National Sports Week at all arenas, including the main stadium.

Hundreds of medical personnel were also on standby during the opening ceremony of the 2021 National Sports Week. They were spread out at several points in the stadium area, such as at the entrance to the stadium.

The medical team will be supported by XX Clinic with specialists, such as surgeons, emergency doctors, sports doctors, and cardiologists.

There are also other health facilities, such as a mini ICU car, five evacuation ambulances, and two referral ambulances.

Another strategy adopted by the organizing committee apart from limiting audience was to broadcast the event live on all national television stations and streaming services.

The euphoria of the opening ceremony was also felt in front of the Papua Governor’s Office on Jalan Soa Siu Dok 2 Bawah, Jayapura.

Dozens of people watched various performances of Papuan national and local celebrities as well as dance performances via videotron.

Papua is proud

Although they do not watch live at the stadium, Papuans are proud that their hometown has become the focus of attention of people across Indonesia. One of those Papuans was Lekson Jikwa.

Jikwa came in front of the governor’s office to witness the opening that was attended by President Joko Widodo in person.

Jikwa, who came along with his two younger siblings, expressed pride that Papua was the host of the Papua National Sports Week.

“Of course, I am proud that Papua is visited and seen by all Indonesian people,” Jikwa admitted.

Jikwa’s pride peaked when President Jokowi opened his remarks with three special Papuan remarks.

“Huwe foi, onomi rehmay, wa wa wa, sports greetings,” President Joko Widodo stated.

“Huwe foi” and “onomi rehmay” are derived from the Sentani language that can be interpreted as saying good night, welcome, and God Bless.

The phrase “wa wa wa” itself is usually used to open or close a conversation for people in the mountainous region of Papua.

Good luck Papua! Let’s rise and win together towards the future. Torang Bisa!

Source: Antara News