Gradually receiving the bodies of cyanide victims, another body still unable to contact relatives


Bangkok, Relatives gradually receive the bodies of 5 foreigners who were victims of cyanide, while the family of another body has not been able to contact them. Meanwhile, the results of the comparative examination of the toxic substance are expected to be clear next week.

Progress in the case of 6 Vietnamese people who died in a famous hotel in the Ratchaprasong area. The latest report from the Metropolitan Police Bureau is that since yesterday until noon, 5 relatives of the deceased have contacted the Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University to receive the bodies. Four people contacted to receive the bodies yesterday and today received another body: Ms. Thi Nguyen Phuong, a Vietnamese national; Ms. Thi Nguyen Phuong Lan, a Vietnamese national; Mr. Dinh San Phu, a Vietnamese national; Ms. Cherine Chong, an American national; and Mr. Hong Pham Than, a Vietnamese national. As for Mr. Hung Dang Van, an American national, the police have not been able to contact his relati
ves in America. The investigation team has coordinated with the American Embassy to help track down Mr. Hung’s relatives to come and give statements and contact to receive the body.

The investigation of the case admitted that the evidence collected by the forensic science team from the scene of the incident contained the toxic substance potassium cyanide, but would not provide details on which evidence was found because they had to wait for the official results from the forensic science team next week. In addition, the toxic substance found in the bodies of the six deceased people was sent to the forensic science team for comparison in the laboratory to see if it was the same toxic substance. It is expected that the results of the laboratory tests from the forensic science team and Chulalongkorn Hospital will be known within the next week, which will provide clarity on the case regarding the perpetrators in this incident.

Confirming that this case has no twists from the various issues that the investigation
team has made, from the evidence at the scene and the questioning of witnesses at the scene, including the relatives of all the deceased, everything confirms in the same direction that the perpetrators were one or two of the deceased. There were no other people who came to drug the scene. However, the investigation team has not ruled out that issue yet because if they find other evidence that points to other issues, they are ready to investigate the issues immediately.

Source: Thai News Agency