Gov’t must guarantee safety of Indonesians in Ukraine: House Speaker

Internal Affairs

Speaker of the House of Representatives Puan Maharani has urged the government to guarantee the safety of Indonesian citizens who are still in Ukraine and evacuate them, if necessary.

“Do not let any Indonesian citizen be injured in the conflict in Ukraine. The safety and security of Indonesian citizens must be a priority,” Maharani said in a written statement received here on Friday.

The evacuation of 138 Indonesian citizens in Ukraine needs to be considered seriously, she stressed and called for effective coordination between the government and stakeholders for bringing all Indonesian citizens home as quickly and safely as possible.

“I urge the government to meet all the needs of Indonesian citizens should the evacuation process be carried out, starting from (the provision of) safe houses, daily needs, to transportation to return to the country,” she said.

Evacuation is a form of protection offered by the state, which must be conducted for all Indonesian citizens who are in conflict-ridden areas overseas, Maharani said. She also called for an end to the war to prevent violence against humanity.

“The House of Representatives urges the Indonesian government to freely and actively promote world peace through various international forums, as mandated by the Constitution,” she said.

Maharani also voiced her concerns over the conflict in Ukraine, which has caused civilian casualties. She said that at a time like the present, the world should unite to face the COVID-19 pandemic instead of disrupting world stability.

The Russian attack against Ukraine has garnered international attention. President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has claimed that the attack in Ukraine is aimed at demilitarization and ‘denazification’.

The Russian action has led countries such as United Kingdom, Canada, European Union, Australia, and Japan among others to impose sanctions against the country.

In the face of violence, many Ukrainians are evacuating to neighboring countries, such as Poland, Hungary, and Romania. According to the United Nations, approximately 100 thousand people have left their homes in Ukraine to seek safety.

Source: Antara News