Foreign Minister aims to promote digital economy cooperation in the region

Internal Affairs

Lao PDR, The Minister of Foreign Affairs joined the meeting of ASEAN foreign ministers and dialogue partners, aiming to push for cooperation in the digital economy. It is expected that if the target is achieved, the economy in the ASEAN region will double in size and ASEAN is expected to issue at least 4 joint statements.

Reporters reported that Mr. Marist Sengiampong, Minister of Foreign Affairs, who attended the 57th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and related ministerial meetings in Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, from 24-27 July.

Mrs. Pantipa Iamsuttha Ekarohita, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Thailand to ASEAN, revealed that this meeting is the first time that the Minister has attended an ASEAN meeting, where she has had the opportunity to meet with ASEAN Foreign Ministers, who will discuss progress in various joint actions within the ASEAN framework and exchange information on providing humanitarian assistance to Myanmar. At the same time, she will also meet with 11 Dialogue
Partners and over 17 Dialogue Frameworks, which is a good opportunity to meet with Dialogue Partners such as the UK, the US, the EU, China, South Korea, and Japan, etc., to push for issues that Thailand prioritizes. As the ASEAN coordinator on sustainable development, Thailand will push for ASEAN countries and other dialogue partners to support Thailand in this sustainability agenda.

Mrs. Pantipa also said that Thailand is also chairing an important meeting in the negotiation of the ASEAN digital cooperation framework, which has already begun and aims to be completed by the end of next year. If an agreement is reached, it will be the world’s first regional digital cooperation agreement. A study has estimated that if the negotiation can be completed on schedule, the digital economy in the region will grow twofold.

‘It is normally estimated that in 2030, the ASEAN economy will grow by about 1 trillion US dollars. But if this agreement is successfully negotiated, the value of the digital economy will grow to 2
trillion US dollars, which is just considered double. And this is important for countries outside ASEAN as well because they will benefit if the ASEAN economy grows in terms of digital, and what we want from them is to have them support us so that we can develop this area as well,’ said Ms. Pantip.

In addition, ASEAN is focusing on the green economy agenda and wants dialogue partners to support this. We aim to be a Green ASEAN by 2045. Western countries, China, Korea, and Japan have a lot of knowledge in this area. We will discuss how to support ASEAN. There will also be an exchange of cooperation and opinions on the situation in the region and the world on how we can help create good cooperation.

For the outcome of the meeting, which aims for cooperation and is expected to be issued as documents for ASEAN foreign ministers to endorse at least 4 documents, namely, the Joint Statement of ASEAN Ministers and the United Kingdom on Strengthening Connectivity for a Prosperous and Sustainable Future, the Joint Pl
an of Action on the Implementation of the ASEAN-Australia Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation, the Joint Ministerial Statement on Humanitarian Cooperation Related to Landmine Resolution, which is a major issue in many ASEAN countries, including the Thai-Cambodian border, and the Joint Ministerial Statement of ASEAN Ministers and Russia to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Russia’s participation in the Convention.

Source: Thai News Agency