FDA warns famous people not to accept dietary supplement reviews that claim exaggerated benefits


The FDA warns celebrities, influencers, doctors, and pharmacists not to accept reviews of dietary supplements claiming to cure diseases, deceiving the public.

Pharmacist Veerachai Nalawachai, deputy secretary-general of the Food and Drug Administration, revealed that in the past, the FDA has discovered reviews of dietary supplement products that exaggerate their properties, claiming to cure diseases and reduce weight by celebrities, actors, famous MCs, and news anchors. famous person Lots of influencers, doctors, pharmacists. Such an action is an offense according to the Food Act B.E. 2522.

Section 40 No person shall advertise the benefits, quality or properties of food. which is false or deceptive to cause unreasonable delusion Anyone who violates Section 40 will be punished with imprisonment not exceeding three years or a fine not exceeding thirty thousand baht. or both imprisonment and fine according to Section 70

Section 41 Whoever wishes to advertise the benefits, quality or properties of food throug
h radio broadcasting. radio, television, picture broadcasting, movies, or newspapers or other publications or by any other means for commercial gain, the sound, image, movie, or message to be advertised must be submitted to the licensor for consideration first. Once permission has been received, it can be advertised. Whoever violates Section 41 shall be punished with a fine not exceeding five thousand baht according to Section 71.

All cases were prosecuted by the FDA according to law. Many cases have been sentenced to prison and have no future if they become health professionals. FDA coordinates with professional councils. Consider further professional ethics penalties. In March this past, the FDA was notified by the Medical Council that it had punished 15 doctors who had exaggerated product reviews. Therefore, we would like to remind celebrities, actors, presenters, and news anchors famous person Influencers, doctors, and pharmacists should not accept reviews of dietary supplements that exaggerate their pro
perties. If the FDA finds them, they will be prosecuted according to law. and remind the people Don’t be fooled by dietary supplements that claim to reduce weight. Firm and toned body, relieve knee pain, treat liver, kidney disease, etc. The FDA has never approved the properties of dietary supplements in the treatment of disease. If you find a wrongdoing, you can file a complaint. Report clues to the FDA Hotline, Tel. 1556 Facebook: FDAThai Line: @FDAThai Email 1556@fda.moph.go.th Or notify provincial public health offices nationwide.

Source: Thai News Agency