Expect to know the election results for the president of the Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization late at night.


Officials are preparing to process the votes for the election of the president of the Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization. The results are expected to be known late at night. Meanwhile, people are still gradually exercising their rights.

The election of the president of the Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization had 949,415 voters and 1,437 polling stations. There were 4 candidates. From the news team’s scouting, it was found that At the polling stations, there were still people continuously coming out to exercise their rights.

However, in front of the Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization, a large sign was put up to prepare to announce the results.

Meanwhile, on the 5th floor of the Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization office building, which is the election coordination center. Officials are prepared to process scores. After the polls close at 5:00 p.m., votes will be counted in front of each polling station. Then the scores will be sent to the di
strict. And each district will collect all the results. and will be sent to the Provincial Administrative Organization for verification. And the results will be known late today

Source: Thai News Agency