Expanding the investigation into the illegal process of bringing people to collect wild fruits in Finland

Internal Affairs

Government House, ‘Kham’ revealed that the Department of Employment is urgently expanding the investigation into the operation that brought people to work illegally picking wild fruits in Finland. He emphasized that they are currently delaying sending Thai workers to work picking wild fruits. He advised those interested in working abroad to do so in accordance with the law.

Mr. Karom Polpornklang, Deputy Government Spokesperson, revealed that from the case where the Department of Employment, Ministry of Labor, investigated and found that there were 43 people who had illegally gone to work in the Republic of Finland, 36 men and 7 women, all of whom admitted to traveling to work as wild fruit pickers in the Republic of Finland without requesting permission from the Department of Employment in accordance with the law. The Department of Employment has suspended the trip and explained that they must strictly comply with the Employment and Jobseeker Protection Act B.E. 2528 and its amendments. They have also orde
red the Provincial Employment Office where the job seekers whose trips were suspended reside to investigate the facts and expand the investigation into the process of inviting or taking job seekers to work as wild fruit pickers in the Republic of Finland illegally and to prosecute the relevant parties.

Mr. Karam reminded that the journey to pick wild fruits in the Republic of Finland is currently delaying delivery. They are in the process of discussing with the Republic of Finland to adjust the laws and regulations that are beneficial for Thai workers who will travel to pick wild fruits, including employers who must accept the specified conditions in order to confirm their determination to solve the problem of human trafficking, protect and maintain the rights of Thai workers, as well as transparency and fairness for Thai workers. He asked the public not to believe the companies and brokers who invite them to travel to work. In addition to losing money, they will be prosecuted according to the law.

Mr. Kara
m suggests 5 legal ways to travel to work abroad as follows: 1. The Department of Employment is the arranger. The Department of Employment is the operator for job seekers who wish to work abroad. Job seekers do not have to pay any service fees but must pay necessary and actual expenses such as passport fees, health check-up fees, visa fees, and airport taxes. 2. The dispatching agency must be an employment agency licensed by the Central Registrar (Director-General of the Department of Employment). Recruiting and sending job seekers to work must be permitted by the Department of Employment before being able to announce recruitment and send them to work. The expenses and service fees for job placement will be paid to the employment agency not exceeding those stipulated by law. 3. Job seekers notify themselves of their trip to work abroad. Job seekers contact employers abroad by themselves, or job seekers who have completed their employment contracts and renewed their contracts when they return to Thailand for a
temporary vacation and wish to return to work must notify the Department of Employment before the travel date. 4. Employers in Thailand take their employees to work abroad. Employers in Thailand that have affiliated companies abroad or have bid for jobs abroad and intend to take employees to work must request permission to travel to work abroad from the Department of Employment and 5?. Employers in Thailand send their employees to train abroad. The employer must notify the Department of Employment of the employees’ travel to train abroad by submitting a form to notify the Department of Employment of Sending Employees to Train Abroad. Going to work abroad that is legal will receive protection and rights and benefits according to the law.

Those interested in working abroad can study information about the country they will be traveling to to prevent fraud via the Department of Employment’s e-Service system at the website doe.go.th or the website of the Department of Labor Administration, going abroad doe.go.th/
overseas or at the Provincial Employment Office in every province, the Bangkok Employment Office Area 1-10 or inquire for more information at the Ministry of Labor Hotline, Tel. 1506 press 2 Department of Employment and the Department of Employment Hotline, Tel. 1694.

Source: Thai News Agency