Ex-Move Forward Party MPs are excited to hold a meeting for a new party called the ‘People’s Party’.

Internal Affairs

Meeting of MPs of the former Move Forward Party was lively, choosing a leader after joining hands to move to the “White Crow Village”, changing the name to the “People’s Party”, announcing the political ideology of “Freedom, Equality, Fraternity”

Reporters reported from the Thai Summit building that 143 former Move Forward Party members of the House of Representatives have gradually arrived to attend the new party meeting to jointly determine the party’s executives and future direction.

Before the meeting started, the party allowed the media to enter and take pictures of the atmosphere. The meeting room was quite lively. The MPs from the former Move Forward Party were all present. It was noticeable that everyone had bright smiles on their faces. In particular, Mr. Nattapong Ruangpanyawut or Teng, the party-list MP and former deputy secretary-general of the Move Forward Party, who is being watched as a strong contender to become the new party leader, briefly revealed his feelings, saying that today he felt
full of energy. Many people came to register as members and moved to their new home together. He was fully confident that they would definitely be able to continue.

The reporter reported that it is now certain that the new name of the former Move Forward Party is the People’s Party, using the abbreviation “P.C.” written in English as “PEOPLE’S PARTY” and the abbreviation in English as “PP”.

While the party symbol has a triangle shape and all the angles of the triangle are equal, forming a six-sided triangle, using orange as the color of the triangle. The symbol of the words “People’s Party”, which is the name of the party, appears below the triangle, using navy blue as the color of the words “People’s Party” and orange as the color of the words “PEOPLE’S PARTY”.

The reporter further reported that the People’s Party’s political ideology is freedom, equality, and fraternity.

The People’s Party upholds the democratic regime with the King as Head of State, the rule of law, dignity, humanity, human rights, pol
itical, economic and social equality, decentralization of administrative power, gender diversity, cultural diversity, a free economic system, free and fair competition, and freedom from monopoly. Sustainable development with due regard for the impact on natural resources and the environment, the establishment of a welfare system, and the creation of opportunities for human beings to live with dignity and quality from birth to death.

The People’s Party believes that humans have the potential to change for the better, that humans have the right to dream of a better society, and that humans have the ultimate right to determine their own and their society’s future.

The People’s Party believes in the possibility that a new world, a new society and a new politics are always possible.

The People’s Party upholds the principle that the people are the highest authority. The use of state power must be related to and connected to the people.

Source: Thai News Agency