Election Commission confirmed MPs must adhere to the procedures set by law.


Bangkok, May 21 – “Ittiporn”, EC chairman, confirms that the approval of MPs must adhere to the legal process. Ready to speed up announcing immediately in case no corruption is found

Today (May 21, 2023), Mr. Itthiporn Boonprakong, Chairman of the Election Commission of Thailand (ECT) discussed the progress of the announcement of the results of the election of members of the House of Representatives (S.S.S.) that according to section 85 of the constitution Let the Election Commission conduct a preliminary review. and when there is reason to believe that the election results are honest and fair to announce the results of the election Which must not be later than 60 days from the election day, according to Section 127 of the Act on the Election of MPs, requires that the report of the Election Inspector be heard. and information received from various sources taken into account as well Currently, it is in the process of reviewing the petition objecting to the election. In case of appearances and clues whether there was any case that resulted in the election not being honest and fair or not This is a procedure that must be followed by the law. and according to the past practice Actions to be taken before leading to the announcement of various types of election results, which the Election Commission of Thailand will try to make an announcement of the election results as soon as possible And well aware of the social trend, but the Election Commission has a duty to ensure that the election results are honest and fair. will endeavor to make the announcement of the result take place without delay. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency