Egg Of Endangered Javanese Eagle Hatches In Indonesia


An egg of endangered Javanese eagle, hatched at the Javanese Eagle Sanctuary Centre, in Bogor district, about 60 km south of Indonesia’s capital Jakarta, Head of the Mount Halimun Salak National Park, Ahmad Munawir, said yesterday.

The second by second of the hatching of this rare little bird was recorded by a monitoring camera and broadcast live by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry’s YouTube channel.

Munawir said that, the Javanese eagle egg, from the parents of female Dygtha and male Rama, has been in the nest since Jan 20.

“After being incubated for about 50 days, finally the egg hatched on Friday, Mar 11, 2022, at 1:35 a.m. local time,” Munawir said.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature, classifies the Javanese eagle on the red list of endangered species.

This forest’s predator, which plays an important role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem, only breeds once every two years, with only one egg each time.

Source: NAM News Network