“Dr. Prem” proposes to present his vision to compete for the Senate President position

Internal Affairs

Bangkok, “Dr. Premsak” proposes to present vision to compete for the Senate President, while the independent group sends “Nantana-Boonsong” to compete for the Vice President.

Dr. Premsak Piayura, Senator, talked about the case of lobbying Senators by offering benefits in exchange for them to join his organization that currently there is lobbying for independent Senators to join the group of Senators who are the majority by giving them large benefits in order to get a decisive vote in the election of the Senate President and Vice President, which is expected to be elected on July 19. If lobbying is allowed, the election of the Senate President and Vice President will not see any hope in the Senate system. Do not look down on the minority as meaningless. Do not chase and destroy them as you please because we have to work together for 5 years. There must be unity to promote cooperation the best. However, the minority should not struggle to ask for a share of the position. If the majority does not agree, they c
annot fight anyway. But they must fight with dignity. Personally, I think that the Senate President and Vice President positions should be given to those who want to hold the positions to dare to propose themselves. No one should propose their names on their behalf. They must also present their vision on how to develop the Senate to be more progressive than the previous Senate group so that the Senate meeting can vote on who to elect as President and Vice President.

Dr. Premsak said that he would like those who are interested in becoming the Senate President and Vice President to dare to announce themselves to run, dare to be a unit, dare to lose and compete for the seat, not to let the voting block, give up from the position of Senate President, compete only for the position of Senate Vice President, it looks like a loss of dignity, like surrendering from the beginning. He does not want the new Senate to be controlled from the beginning. Even though the votes may not be able to compete with the majority gro
up, but if society supports it, the majority will be pressured. We have to test our hearts to see how open-minded we are and how much we respect the social trend. Everyone is a senator, equally honorable and dignified. Do not look at anyone’s color. Therefore, whoever wants to be the president must dare to announce themselves, intend to be one themselves, dare to show their vision, not let anyone propose it, it is not elegant.

The reporter reported that in the part of the competition for the position of the President and Vice President of the Senate, currently, the independent group of Senators and the orange line Senators, totaling approximately 30 people, will have a discussion next week to consider sending people to compete for the positions of President and Vice President of the Senate. As for the President of the Senate, it is in the process of considering who to send to compete for the position. As for the positions of the two Vice Presidents of the Senate, there is a consideration that Ms. Nantana Nan
tawaropas and Mr. Boonsong Noisophon may compete for the positions of Vice President of the Senate, which will have to wait for consideration again next week.

Source: Thai News Agency