“Dr. Prem” joins the competition for the “Senate President” seat, insists it is not a decoration.

Internal Affairs

Parliament, “Dr. Prem” joins the competition for “Senate President”, reveals that he wants to be the 3rd choice, no shadow from political parties behind him, insists that it is not a decoration, wants to show the vision that the proposed matter can actually be done.

Dr. Premsak Piayura, a member of the Senate, spoke about the case of being nominated for the position of Senate President today, saying that from the submission of candidates for the Senate President, which were nominated by both camps, it was like there were shadows of political parties covering both sides, but both sides had different political ideologies. Some of the Senators were uncomfortable, saying that they did not want to see a confrontation between two poles like the House of Representatives (MPs) and wanted to support him to propose himself as the Senate President as another option. He had carefully considered it and thought that it was a good thing that the 200 Senators would have 3 nominees for all 3 approaches, and he himself was a
Senator who did not belong to any political party, and there was no shadow of any party covering him from behind.

Dr. Premsak continued that presenting himself in a democratic system is a good thing and removes the accusation of this group of senators that they are senators following orders. He believes that his approach and that of fellow members will be interested, so he will present himself as the president of the Senate. As for the results, he respects everyone, but asks that they present their vision of what direction they will take the senators in, and asks that they be at ease or not worry about the vote.

“Please consider that this vote will be binding for the next 5 years. How we step down is something that history will record,” said Dr. Premsak.

When asked whether the Senate President race this time would be seen as a decoration, Dr. Premsak said that being called a decoration is an insult to democracy. To say that you have 140 votes and then look down on the other side as a small power, I think t
he Red Ants have already brought down an elephant. Therefore, it is not something to be insulted. The application or nomination has meaning for the democratic system. Win or lose, it is a matter for the Senate to decide based on restoring the image and honor of this institution.

As for the part that said that he was just a decoration, he did not hold a grudge. Let’s talk about it, but consider that the vision that was presented today is beneficial to the Senate and can be put into practice. And I will not propose a dream because I have 12 years of political experience. The proposed matter is real and can be done immediately without having to do an internship. But if the voting result comes out and the votes are in groups, it means that the lottery is rigged. If the votes go according to the group that was reported in the news earlier, it would be sad because it is a better way to predict the results in advance than the football results. I just personally do not think that is the case.

As for the senators wh
o will support me, there are about 10 people and it is enough for the nominations. I would like to ask for an opportunity from fellow members that the more people nominated, the more it will benefit the Senate. I would like to ask the Senate President to give me an opportunity to fully express my vision. As for the decision, it is up to the members. If I get only one vote, I am ready to accept it.

As for this nomination, will it be seen as a way to show the votes of the senators in their group, how many votes they have? Dr. Premsak said that he did not think that far ahead. In the case of someone volunteering to be the president and the 1st and 2nd vice presidents of the Senate, he would support them because it is considered the bravery of fellow members and he is ready to accept the resolution of the meeting according to the parliamentary mechanism.

As for the Senate Vice President candidate in the group of white senators, Dr. Premsak said that he knew that someone would propose a name, but it was not a bi
nding condition. If he saw that someone agreed, he could propose at the same time. And there might be more interesting people than he thought.

Source: Thai News Agency