Discovering the Himalayan royal bee First time in Thailand


19 April 2024 National Park Department Revealing the discovery of the Himalayan royal bee for the first time in Thailand (New record), indicating its importance to the overall picture of biodiversity.

Mr. Songkiat Tatayanon, Deputy Director-General of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, presided over the press conference. ‘The first discovery of the Himalayan royal bee in Thailand’ together with a team of researchers, Mr. Issarapong Woraphab, an expert entomologist. (Department of National Parks) Mr. Nonthawat Chattanaboon, Dr. Chawathat Thanusingh and Asst. Prof. Dr. Natthapoj Warit, Department of Biology. Faculty of Science Chulalongkorn University who participated in studying the Himalayan royal bee that was previously found only in the Himalayan mountain range of Nepal and India on April 19, 2024 at 11:30 a.m. at the meeting room, 2nd floor, Operations Center Building, Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (HA Slade), Department of National Parks Wi
ld animals and plants, Bangkok

Mr. Songkiat Deputy Director-General of the National Parks Department revealed that the Himalayan bee or ApislaboriosaSmith, 1871, found this time. Located in the high cliff area of ??Doi Pha Hom Pok National Park, Fang District, Chiang Mai Province. It has been encountered since 2022, but throughout the past period It is in the process of collecting and analyzing data to obtain precise information about the Himalayan royal bee. The Himalayan royal bee is another type of royal bee besides the general royal bee or Apis dorsataFabricius, 1793 that we can see in every region of Thailand. By building a large, single perch nest. The main distinguishing feature of the Himalayan royal bee is the abdominal segments that are usually completely black. and the fur around the chest area is golden yellow. The Himalayan honey bee can be found in mountainous regions

Mr. Songkiat said that this discovery It is an important indicator for the overall picture of diversity. biological and enviro
nmental resources that are high in Thailand that are being invaded due to habitat destruction of various types of bees and the effects of climate change (climate change), but the Himalayan royal bee can still be found in Thailand. The Himalayan royal bee found is also a nectar-giving bee in the Apis genus, the fifth type in Thailand from Previously there were only 4 species reported: royal bees (Apis dorsata), sweet bees (Apis florea), black bees (Apis andreniformis) and hollow bees (Apiscerana), which does not include bee species. (Apismellifera) which is an alien species of bee.

Source: Thai News Agency