Dhipaya Insurance draws TIP prizes, gives away real prizes, wins gold, celebrates 72 grand prizes


Dhipaya Insurance Public Company Limited organized a prize drawing event for lucky winners, the campaign “TIP, Real Deals, Win Gold, Celebrating 72 Grand Prizes” to celebrate the company’s 72nd anniversary, with Dr. Phon. Ratt Ekayokaya, Executive Vice President Along with the management team of Dhipaya Insurance Public Company Limited, the prize draw was held. and executives of Amity Insurance Broker Company Limited, along with expert administrative officials from the Department of Provincial Administration, were honored to witness the prize draw.

By drawing names of lucky winners who received 72 gold prizes, totaling over 400,000 baht, divided into

1st prize, 1 baht of gold, 2 prizes, total value 68,400 baht,

2nd prize, 1 salung of gold, 5 prizes, total value 44,500 baht,

prize no. 3 half salungs of gold, 65 prizes, total value 292,500 baht

Participants can check the list of lucky winners via FACEBOOK FANPAGE Dhipaya Insurance on 11 Jan. 2024. For lucky winners, they must contact via Inbox Facebook Dh
ipaya Insurance within 30 days after the announcement of the results to confirm receipt of the prize and Follow the steps given. Otherwise, it will be considered that the right has been forfeited. The company will give the right to the next lucky winner. Based on the results of the prize draw and the company’s decision. considered final.

Source: Thai News Agency