Democrat Party reiterates draft position Amnesty Act There must be no corruption cases – Section 112 cases.

Internal Affairs

Democrat Party, ‘Democrat Party’ reiterates its position on the draft. Amnesty Act There must be no corruption cases and Section 112 cases. These cases are not related to political motivation. Concerned that the rice pledging case may be taken into consideration. Asked not to use the “Thaksin model” to bring “Yingluck” home, fearing that people will revolt.

Today (March 9) Mr. Rames Rattanachaweng, Democrat Party spokesman. Press conference regarding the case of Mr. Chusak Sirinil, Chairman of the Extraordinary Commission to consider and study guidelines for enacting the Amnesty Act. The House of Representatives said there would be an amnesty based on counting the time from the event. Starting from January 1, 2005, a subcommittee will be established to keep statistics on politically motivated cases. To inquire with the relevant agencies. both in the police class The case is currently being considered by the Court of Justice. and other organizations And regarding Section 112, there is still no clarity from t
his committee.

For the part of the Democrat Party, there is no problem with counting the time period of the committee. But what will be a problem is the commissioner’s ambiguity regarding corruption cases. that the Special Commission will raise this matter for consideration So what direction will be considered? He was not intrusive but was concerned. But if corruption cases are included The Democrat Party definitely doesn’t agree. Because in the past the organs of Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, former prime minister There has been an attempt to enact an amnesty law for corruption cases. Even though the court has already decided and cases that are not yet completed It may cause it to be dropped as well, including the case of Section 112, the Democrat Party sees that there should not be an amnesty. Because both the corruption case and the Section 112 case were not politically motivated to cause the offense to occur.

Therefore, these 2 matters are the 2 most important matters. The Democrat Party has followed up and e
xpressed its stance that it does not agree if there will be an amnesty in corruption cases and cases related to Section 112. As for other cases, the committee will consider and must follow up to see if there is an culprit. What offenses are to be considered? Which is the right thing to do by not putting the individual in the center.

When asked if he was worried or not. Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, former Prime Minister will receive amnesty from the said law. Mr. Ramesh admits that he is worried. Because in the case of Ms. Yingluck In the past, there have been interviews with people in the government that Ms. Yingluck Was politically harassed until it became a case of rice pledging corruption. This is another case that he claims began with a coup d’état. and then led to the prosecution of Ms. Yingluck But the reality is that in the rice pledging case Happened with democracy Examined under the legislature that has held a no-confidence debate, it has been submitted for prosecution to the committee. NACC at that tim
e And it is not a process that results from bullying. In the end, the case went to the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Persons Holding Political Positions, and Ms. Yingluck fled the case and fled the country.

‘Asking whether this case is related to corruption or not, you have to go back and read Section 157. To be guilty, it must originate from the intention that there is an offense of seeking benefit that should not be lawful. For yourself or others, the Supreme Court’s judgment clearly states. It is believed that the Commission will bring corruption cases of Ms. Yingluck come into consideration,’ Mr. Ramesh said.

However, the government claims to adhere to the principles of justice and the rule of law in the administration of government. But now the government’s approach is completely opposite. The rule of law must enforce the law equally. This government has trampled on the saying that the rule of law is no good. The day the policy statement was made to Parliament. The government stated that adhere
nce to the rule of law was one of the first issues. But they did the complete opposite.

Mr. Ramesh also mentioned the case of Ms. Yingluck who have news that they will travel into the country that no one forbids Ms. Yingluck because Ms. Yingluck is a Thai person can return to the country. But when they return to the country, they must go through the justice process. Whichever case it is, there is a final judgment. We must keep an eye on whether to use the Thaksin model case or the Thaksin shield. Is this a guideline that will cause the justice process to lose its principles?

Initially, I think Ms. Yingluck When entering the justice process The Department of Corrections is also the main agency. What regulations will be used? He thought that he did not want the prison regulations to be used outside the prison. This is a new regulation with those various cases. The party will follow this matter closely. Because I’m not sure what process to use. If using the Thaksin model, another person believes that conflict
in the country will increase and the number of citizens who disagree will increase.

Source: Thai News Agency