Decorated with “Dam Dong” for Naga parade


Nakhon Ratchasima, Naga parade on carts Hoping to preserve Thai ancient carts Ordination is simple, saves money, friends of the Naga create color, dress in black, join in the joyful procession.

which created a lot of colors and brought smiles to the villagers who came to join in the Naga parade They are a group of close friends of Nak Liu, wearing “Dam Dong” outfits, hilarious Likay girl clowns who are currently popular on social media. They all dressed up. Have fun dancing in the Naga parade.

Another highlight of the Naga parade that has created a stir in the world is the Naga Liu sitting on an ancient cart. that the villagers have preserved and taken care of very well Let the Nagas sit instead of hiring elephants to parade them. which will have a relatively high cost

Naga Liu is about to graduate from her physical education teacher studies. I have an idea of ??wanting to be ordained in a simple way to be ordained in return for the merit of my parents. Therefore, an ancient cart was brought out for the Na
ga parade this time. To join in preserving Thailand’s ancient carts. It also helps save costs. No need to hire a parade car. Or hire an elephant to parade the Naga. which will have a high cost Using a cart to carry the Nagas from their homes to the temple. It is a distance of more than 2 kilometers amid extremely hot weather. But everyone was smiling and having fun coming to join in the merit-making.

Source: Thai News Agency