Commerce inspects 5 more importers of inferior quality cassava chips


Nonthaburi, Director-General of the Department of Foreign Trade is strict on importers of cassava chips. Another inspection found inferior quality cassava chips at the checkpoint. After sending test kits continuously to areas along the border Recently, 5 more importers of inferior quality cassava chips were found, bringing the total to 15.

Mr. Ronarong Poolpipat, Director-General of the Department of Foreign Trade, revealed that from November 2023 to the present, when cassava production from the 2023/24 production season of Thailand and neighboring countries began to enter the market, the Department has increased the frequency of sending inspection kits to the area. at import checkpoints for cassava chips throughout the country Because it is known that there is still smuggling of inferior quality cassava chips. If not strictly managed, it will affect the price of cassava in the country. After sending the executive level of the department Went to the area in mid-January 2024 and ordered the department’s insp
ection team. Continuously working And at the end of January 2024, the inspection team detected importers of inferior quality cassava chips at the Chong Mek checkpoint. Ubon Ratchathani Province and Bueng Kan checkpoint Bueng Kan Province added another 5 cases, making it so that since November 2023 until now, the department has punished a total of 15 importers of inferior cassava chips by temporarily suspending imports.

The Department has a clear policy to prevent inferior quality cassava from entering the country. In addition to sending continuous inspection kits to the area We have also raised the level of measures by sending them to the department’s executive level. and special examination kits which has government officials at the special expert level Be the leader of the team Go to the area to support the operation of the testing kit to ensure it is strict. and to communicate to importers the importance of product quality as well as joining forces with the inspection team of the Department of Internal Tr
ade which is responsible for the smuggling of cassava chips Freeze areas along the border throughout the cassava production season.

However, cassava is considered an important agricultural product. There are over 500,000 farmer households that earn income from cassava cultivation. If you let low quality tapioca noodles in It will have an impact on the price of cassava in the country. Many farmers will suffer. Being strict about product quality is therefore something that the Department Give great importance If it is found that any checkpoint still imports low quality cassava chips. or found that the importer is not cooperating with the testing kit will order to increase the frequency of checking that checkpoint again

‘In addition to being strict in blocking the import of inferior quality cassava chips along the border, Also ordered to increase the frequency of random quality inspection of exported cassava chips as well. Quality control of both incoming and outgoing products In addition to being beneficial t
o farmers It also helps to expand the cassava chip market to new countries. This is easier to do because the quality of the products is acceptable,’ Mr. Ronarong said.

In this regard, the Department is in the process of searching for markets for cassava chips in new target countries. To reduce reliance on the Chinese market, which is currently the main market. If Thailand has more trading partners Thai exporters will have more bargaining power. In the end, the benefits will go to Thai cassava farmers.

Source: Thai News Agency