“Cho Pannika” joins in observing the selection of Bangkok Senators.

Internal Affairs

Government Center, “Cho Pannika” came along to observe the selection of Bangkok senators, hoping for a chance for the people’s senators to pass the national round, pointing out that Bangkok has a lot of famous people – high competition. It’s not fair to small provinces. fewer applicants Accepting fears – information leaks After the first round, the profiles of 20,000 applicants were leaked, saying that applicant information is a “treasure.” Don’t treat the PDPA law as tissue paper and throw it in the trash.

Ms. Pannika Wanich, spokesperson for the Faculty of Progress Traveled to observe the selection of members of the Senate (Senators) at the provincial level (Bangkok) since the morning at 7:30 a.m., revealing that Today we come to observe the election. Provincial level senator Not just because I’m a Bangkokian, but I think Bangkok is the most important battleground. which has the highest and most competition because there are 50 districts, meaning that there will be a lot of people who will be eliminated i
n the provincial selection round.

Another important part is Candidates in Bangkok stand out And it’s something to watch. So today you may see The person we saw who really wanted to be a senator was eliminated. Today I came to observe. When the district is in good order There are fewer people around the province today. Officials can use resources to the fullest. Therefore, in observing management style He thought there shouldn’t be any problem. There is only one point that still needs to be noted: the monitor, because at the district level you can’t see anything. I hope that the officials will improve.

‘The most important thing today I really want the candidates we see to be senators of the people. Hoping to make it through to the finals at the level we hope to achieve. Because I believe The provincial round is the most difficult round. Candidates with a good profile Beauty can stand out If you can pass this round. I believe will be able to fight through to become a senator.’

When asked about many districts
that had new votes counted. Ms. Pannika said that it is normal in more than 900 districts, but what we are worried about is that in the past 3-4 days there has been news circulating that Main payout 20,000-30,000 baht to the applicant It is considered a whirlwind for the Senate. Therefore, he would like to emphasize that The person who paid the money Go choose someone else. Or choosing someone is punishable by imprisonment. Those who report information will have a reward worth hundreds of thousands of baht. He thought that when selecting MPs there would be a reward like this as well. But no one received any awards. Because of fear of influence, he wants Active Citizen to keep an eye on the selection. As many senators as possible, he believes that from the provincial area to the national level The value will increase even more.

As for the news that there is news that there are Senate candidates already waiting at the national level. Miss Pannika admit that it really exists And some of them are people they kno
w. But can’t say the name But it’s not about him having a ticket. But this is because of a loophole in the system. given to each province Especially small provinces There is no competition at all. All you need is 1 vote and you’ll be able to go to the national level. while the Bangkok area Compete with each other seriously. causing advantages and disadvantages

‘In the past, in the district Many people clearly said that I can’t give it to my younger sibling. Because I already have a copy. We therefore clearly see that this is the nature of the establishment. From the big political groups really exist, but that’s okay, we do our best. Let the candidates who represent the people dilute it.’

Ms. Pannika added that she was pleased to see the people taking part. The part that the Constitutional Court has appointed to consider Whether the case regarding the law obtained by the Senate violates the constitution or not, he thinks there is no great risk to the point of overturning the process. I think the Constitution
al Court has weighed it well. How much damage will there be, even though the regulations actually violate the Constitution? can be judged in other ways and may not make the choice District level senator and provincial level are void He thinks the court considers the damage.

When asked about the selection of district level senators, what was the information about the applicants? Ms. Pannika replied: This is normal and should not be accepted. In fact, there is always information leaking out about applicants. And if you have good enough connections with government officials To get information like this, he thinks that the PDPA law should not turn into tissue paper thrown into the trash. He thinks that this has been normal for a long time. that people who have access to connections Access to more information than the general public and put this information to good use Senator candidate information, I can say that a treasure Therefore, it is considered to be an important problem. Because it is a closed system.

Source: Thai News Agency