Chiang Mai’s governor explains that the “budget for cleaning up dust” has not yet been released, insisting that declaring a disaster is of no use.

Internal Affairs

Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai Governor explains that the “budget for cleaning up dust” has not yet been released, pointing out that the change is zero. A request was made to hire more than 10,000 fire extinguishing personnel. No procurement Confirming that declaring a disaster is not beneficial in spending the budget of government agencies. Looking at the solution, it is to use Clean Air Act and related laws

Mr. Nirat Phongsitthaworn Governor of Chiang Mai Province Discussing the overall picture of managing the forest fire and smog situation that he has brought to the attention of the Prime Minister. to the situation of Chiang Mai Province and the target areas Especially what has been done in January. The first two months focused on agricultural areas and achieved almost 100% no burning at all.

In March The Prime Minister has been reported that the challenging areas will be turned into forests. Chiang Mai Province has 90% of all types of forest, almost 12 million rai, the most in Thailand. This creates more hot s
pots in the forest. So use the method to extinguish it as quickly as possible. To prevent smoke from accumulating This year we were able to reduce the burned area by 70%, preventing the accumulation of smoke that we produced ourselves. Aggravated by dust that comes from neighbors.

The Governor of Chiang Mai Province also said that what we will continue to do in mid-March. which the government has approved the central budget to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Part of the Ministry of Natural Resources It will be allocated to various departments such as the National Parks Department and the Forestry Department to hire nearly 2,000 people with forestry careers and expertise to be forest guards. The province is currently in the process of proposing to receive central budget from the government. It is now in the process at the Budget Office. We will use it to cover the cost of hiring additional people. Take care of all channels to enter the forest. and are expenses of various agencies that exting
uish forest fires Help the people to be more comprehensive until the rainy season comes.

When asked if there were people who were concerned about the lack of transparency in the use of the budget. Governor of Chiang Mai Province In retrospect, I asked what would be brought without transparency. Today The budget bill hasn’t been issued yet, and we don’t have any money to spend. The province is in the process of requesting the budget to the government. The money has not been approved yet. Therefore, there is a matter of lack of transparency. Using the budget considered zero because there is no budget to use Don’t just ask for lack of transparency or corruption.

‘During the past period, even though there was no budget, we all were determined to do our part to prevent burning. This month there is a lot of burning. We intend to do our part in extinguishing the fire as quickly as possible. Produce as little smoke as possible Let the citizens suffer as little as possible,’ the Chiang Mai Governor said.

As for dec
laring a disaster area due to the dust situation and demands to refrain from fuel management The Governor of Chiang Mai Province stated that if anyone is familiar with the situation of large-scale flooding and it is necessary to declare a disaster is what is necessary Because it is a large situation and government probation money regulations of the Ministry of Finance It is clearly written that there is a list of what can be paid for. But for the danger that is PM 2.5 dust in government advances regulations Ministry of Finance It’s not written what you can pay for. In addition to the cost of gas for the officer’s car The regulations are like this. Therefore, a disaster is declared to fight the dust. There is no benefit in spending the budget of government agencies. Therefore, it is not necessary or heavy enough. Or is it an incentive that we must announce? To put the money to use because it is already of no use

‘This problem will be resolved. When the Clean Air Act and its companion legislation were passed,
there was talk of the limitations of government advances regulations. Or the emergency budget that you say is because it has been announced, it is not actually usable. for dust disasters Therefore it must be issued as Clean Air Act and related laws that will have expenses,’ the Chiang Mai Governor stated.

What is the province doing now? Mr. Nirat said the first step was to consult the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. At the Ministry of Natural Resources has offered a middle budget The Prime Minister kindly approved the central budget for the first year that the government saw the need for it. One part will hire people to take care of the forest. The province has requested approval of the central budget to the Cabinet. It is expected to come out soon. We will fill in the part of the people of the Ministry of Natural Resources. We haven’t hired all of them yet, we’re hiring more, and the agencies that walk into the forest to get gas for their cars haven’t asked to come buy things or repair roads.
Or who are afraid that they will have to have various kinds of change.

‘Disaster fights dust. There are no companies selling disaster relief products. The objective was that he did not ask to buy any masks at all. The matter of various changes can be cut off. He is careful and does not want to deal with these matters. Determined to take care of the people as best as possible Especially regarding management How to make the 10,000 government officials and volunteers with us into an army that marches on its stomach? There is food for him to eat. There was water for him to carry, supplies, equipment, fire extinguishing sticks, and fireproof shoes. Therefore, it is this type of expense only. to give him encouragement Let them know that we have taken care of them who risked their lives, choked on smoke, and fainted on our behalf,’ said the Chiang Mai Governor.

As for the request that there is no need for fuel management. Governor of Chiang Mai Province Pointed out that it was one of the resolutions of the Provinc
ial Forest Fire Control Committee. which was the resolution of the meeting As for himself, he always emphasized that he did not agree with the setting of the fire even once. But when it is a meeting resolution And there are forestry principles to explain. If you don’t take care of the fuel first. and a fire broke out that someone secretly came to a spot outside of the plan There will be an uncontrolled fire and there will be a large fire, 1,000 rai, 10,000 rai, like what has happened in the past. He must accept the fact that fuel management is based on forestry principles. It is necessary to accept But approval for the burning is under the authority of each district. Each local subdistrict administrative organization never reached the governor. But if the situation is during closed weather Ventilation is less possible. Of course, he will give advice that during this period you should abstain first. and he has performed this duty regularly There is no lack of defects.

As for some people stating why the govern
or of Chiang Mai didn’t put out the fire himself, Mr. Nirat confirmed that he went with the Chiang Mai team that was responsible for extinguishing the forest fire. But study with respect. Fighting forest fires is an extremely dangerous mission. He doesn’t let untrained people easily put out fires with him. Fire is hot fire and doesn’t talk to anyone. We didn’t get to the right place where the fire hit us. He went to wherever the youths were extinguishing fires to give encouragement and deliver supplies. If the governor had the duty to extinguish the fires himself, And who will manage the overall situation? Who will support it? Who will decide? Solve the problem that each unit cannot decide. It is their duty to do here. and provide assistance to our brothers and sisters, forest fire extinguishers, to be able to work efficiently at each point. What was missing that the radio requested? It is responsible for deciding whether to send other units to help. or use a helicopter to help This is the administration that
he does as Governor of Chiang Mai Province and does it every day, without holidays.

‘The provincial governor has not undergone forest fire extinguishing training that requires skill, force, and patience. He has a duty to support food supplies. Drinking water, fire protection equipment, fire resistant shoes, or support in case the first fire extinguishing point cannot be extinguished. How do I send in another set? Its duty is to facilitate over 10,000 forest fire extinguishers in Chiang Mai to work without interruption and extinguish fires at every point within that day. This is their duty.’ Governor of Chiang Mai Province Said.

Source: Thai News Agency