Chiang Mai Provincial Public Health Office Concerned about children eating jelly sold at flea markets Risk of exposure to chemicals


Now fruit-flavored jelly snacks, priced at 10 baht per piece, are available at flea markets in Chiang Mai Province. They sell well. Children like to buy them, while the Chiang Mai Provincial Public Health Office Worried about exposure to chemicals

Shops at flea markets sell jelly snacks in round shapes the size of lemons. They come in many colors, including purple, white, red, and green. They sell for 10 baht each. Children like to buy them and eat them very much. They have a pleasant aroma of fruit flavor. wood Or it’s Japanese style jelly when eating. You must use a toothpick. The pointed end is poked and the jelly inside is eaten. The children will buy two pieces each and put them in a plastic glass to eat. This creates a crowd of vendors. Sold at many flea markets in Chiang Mai. until it is well known and popular among children which will be advertised online

This jelly is often sold with colorful corn-crispy snacks. that uses liquid nitrogen mixed By mixing in a water bottle container until there was
smoke rising Then the vendor scoops them into cups according to the size and price. From small to large cups There are many toppings, topped with condensed milk and chocolate. Prices range from 40 – 100 baht. There will be smoke coming out of the cup. As soon as you get it, you’ll eat it right away. Causes smoke to come out of the mouth and nose. It has become popular with children. Because after eating it, it will spit out smoke. But this type of snack is still not considered an offense.

Mr. Manorom Sinthapa-archakul, pharmacist with special expertise Group leader consumer protection Chiang Mai Provincial Public Health Office Issued a warning to be careful of fakes. It may be illegally imported. to produce and sell or duplicate without labels There is no food related information. Risk of exposure to substances that may be harmful to health Eating a lot It is not good for the child’s body.

As for production, there is no FDA registration number. or Thai language advertising labels It is the production of foo
d that is not allowed. There is a penalty of imprisonment not exceeding 1 year and a fine not exceeding 10,000 baht. There is a fine not exceeding 5,000 baht. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency