Chi Lang farmers reap abundant crop of custard apples


Chi Lang district in the northern province of Lang Son has the strength of the largest custard apple production area in the province. The harvesting area of custard apple in the district is approximately 2,000 hectares, with an average yield of 10.6 tonnes per hectare, giving a production value of 800 billion VND (31.8 million VND). Since 2013, the district has adopted the cultivation of custard apples in line with the Vietnamese Good Agricultural Practices (VietGAP) standards. As of now, more than 903 hectares in the district are dedicated to growing custard apples in compliance with VietGAP standards. In 2017, Chi Lang custard apples were recognised among the top 50 specialty fruits of Vietnam. Additionally, they were awarded the Vietnam Agricultural Golden Brand in 2017 and the Gold Cup by the Vietnam General Association of Agriculture and Rural Development in 2018.

Source: Vietnam News Agency