“Chalermchai” warmly enters the ministry on the first day

Internal Affairs

“Chalermchai” warmly enters the ministry on the first day, aims to coordinate relations with the Ministry of Agriculture to solve the land problems of Sor Por Kor, Kaeng Suea Ten Dam, and support the “Entertainment Complex” if a law is issued to control it, not to benefit capitalists, indicating that the government’s policy does not have a problem solving corruption because it is a matter of conscience, declaring that he will never do wrong, saying that just being a politician, people look down on him.

Mr. Chalermchai Sri-on, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, arrived at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and paid homage to the spirit house, the sacred object of the ministry. He was welcomed by the ministry officials wearing green shirts, the ministry’s official color.

Mr. Chalermchai said that when he arrived at the ministry, from the look on the faces and eyes of the Ministry of Natural Resources, he felt warm. As for policies such as the issue of Sor Por Kor land, which is a p
roblem between the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, he would like to talk to the person directly responsible first. However, he insisted that he came to solve the problem, not create more problems. He used to be in the Ministry of Agriculture, so he knew about Sor Por Kor. When he came to the Ministry of Natural Resources, he had to work together. He will use this to solve the land boundary problem.

Regarding the issue of reviving the Kaeng Suea Ten project, Mr. Chalermchai said that he would like to talk to the responsible officials first. As for the solution to the Tap Lan forest problem, he asked not to talk about it now because our goal is to make it possible for people to live together. When asked how serious he would be with the capitalists who encroached on the forest, Mr. Chalermchai emphasized that the law must be the law, but he would also use the term humanitarianism. He also confirmed that he could not break the law.

However, first, I will discuss a
nd understand the working guidelines first. After the government announces its policy, there will be a meeting to assign tasks. I confirm that I will expedite everything as quickly as possible.

In addition, Mr. Chalermchai also mentioned the government’s policy idea to bring illegal underground matters above ground, saying that if something is illegal, if done, it will be arrested. But if you want to move forward, you have to make it legal. Making it legal does not mean that if you bring it up above, it will be legal right away. We have to see how to enact laws to enforce and manage it. This is the key point.

As for the critics, they wondered how to explain it. Personally, I think that anything that is beneficial to the country is okay. It must be clear that it must not favor capitalists, must have clear supervision, and must not cause any impacts later on. If it meets these criteria, I am ready to support it. If it is beyond these issues, I will not support it. As for the government’s policies that do not
include amending the constitution and suppressing corruption, Mr. Chalermchai emphasized that the problem of corruption does not need to be written in the policy. It should be the consciousness of each person and the cabinet. I would like to use this as an issue. As for what was stated, there is good governance with transparent administration. That means preventing corruption anyway. But the heart is to have a sense of consciousness because if there is a sense of consciousness, then one will not do wrong. And being a politician, people will look down on it again. Therefore, if you do it for the country with this intention, it will have no effect.

As for amending the constitution, I graduated in law and became a lawyer and believe that every law can be amended if necessary and appropriate.-312 – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency