“Chalermchai” boosts the morale of party members and restores the Democrat Party to its number one position.

Internal Affairs

Bangkok, “Chalermchai” boosts the morale of party members and restores the Democrat Party to its number one position. He said that the party must have unity in the government to be afraid. Promise not to cause damage to the party both in front of and behind the scenes.

April 27, 2024 at 12:00 noon at the Miracle Grand Hotel, Lak Si District, Bangkok, Democrat Party Organized the 2024 party general meeting with Mr. Chalermchai Sri-on, leader of the Democrat Party. Closing the meeting saying Thank you to everyone who helped make the meeting move forward smoothly. Confirm that the opinions of party members party executive committee will be taken into consideration and discussed and will try to modernize the party to keep up with the world situation and the situation of the people and since the date of the election committee The Election Commission has certified this party’s executive committee until now, a period of almost 4 months. In the past, the Election Commission has held meetings and worked against time
. But he talked with the Budget Committee and MPs that today the Democrats stand with 100 percent principles and ideals.

‘I say without being ashamed of heaven or earth that I have never done anything wrong both in front of and behind my back. And still adhere to being a Democrat 100 percent. I would like to tell everyone today that restoring the Democrat Party is the duty of all of us,’ Mr. Chalermchai said.

Mr. Chalermchai further said that when he took on the responsibility of being the leader of the party, the Technology and Innovation Center for Communication was set up. Because they saw that when it came to using technology, we couldn’t keep up with them. Therefore, it is the first time that he has decided to set up such a center. We are therefore the first political party and the first party in Thailand to be able to apply for party membership via social media. and by telephone This is confirmation that the Democrats have adjusted. Even if it’s a small thing But this is the first step to let him know
that we will come back again. It’s not like many people who don’t work and are devalued by the Democrat Party. He didn’t know why this house never had anything owed to him or not. Therefore, today what he wants the image of the Democrat Party to be is unity within the party. He would like to assure members throughout the country that he will never commit any wrongdoing, both in front of and behind his back. He was confident that he was a man’s son.

Mr. Chalermchai further said that we have set up a party strategy committee. To want to set clear directions and goals By inviting former MPs party executive and new generations come to work together In order to get a formula to determine the guidelines for driving the party What will follow is that we must give importance to party members. that must be equal Don’t focus only on useful days. The working group will travel to take care of members of party branches throughout the country and will try to have more members. In addition to quantity, there must also be q
uality. And don’t forget that in the past the Democrat Party was successful because of strong party members and party branches. But situations and times have changed. People may think that we give importance only to the above. But the ground is important. So we have to do it together.

Mr. Chalermchai said that there is also a political committee. He will have to study for the seniors of the party to help analyze and determine guidelines for driving the party along. Including the environmental committee The party must be clear. Because today’s economy and quality of life Environment, we don’t know which is more important. Therefore, we must pay attention to this as well. which is considered a part that must drive the whole After everyone handed himself over to be the leader of the party. We will move forward steadily, not rushing forward, but will adhere to principles and laws. In addition, there will also be an academic working group to supplement the work of the MPs.

‘I am confident that my whole life has
been given to the Democrats. I want to see the party return to being a pillar of the country once again. I can say with certainty that one aspect of the party is its honesty. I have adhered to this principle my whole life. And I would like to tell everyone that if we did not have this principle in place, the Democrat Party would not exist until today. Confirm that the Provincial Administrative Committee and the MPs are working to their fullest potential. Today’s political timeline is a matter of calculating timing and timing. If the election is another 6 months away If we don’t do anything today, we won’t be able to do anything. But I still believe that if politics will change in another 6 months, it will not be a democracy. But if democracy lasts another 3 years, then the remaining period What I want to see and what allows us to face and move forward is the unity of the party. Because this is the true power of democracy. I don’t believe that any government is not afraid of the Democrats. If we have unity Thi
s is what I’ve been trying to say all along. And every decision will be based on institutions and organizations. Don’t take personal feelings. Do not take personal happiness into account,’ Mr. Chalermchai said.

Source: Thai News Agency