CCTV footage reveals that an air conditioner technician and termite sprayer came to work on the day of the Ministry of Agriculture and there was a fire.


Bangkok, A spokesperson for the Ministry of Agriculture emphasizes that CCTV cameras are not broken. Check the recorded images and compare them with asking the butler. Found matching information There are air conditioning technicians and termite spray technicians coming to work at the Ministry. Confirmed that the police collected evidence and images from the server. as well as interrogating the butler to find the cause of the fire

Miss Ayarin Panrit, spokesperson of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. (Political Department) said that it had inspected the CCTV cameras in the area where the work area of ??Mr. Chaiya Phromma could be seen, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives. which is in the left wing of the ministry building, it was found that the camera was not broken and the images were saved on the server. So you can see everything that Who’s coming in and out?

From the preliminary investigation into the cause of the fire. By inquiring from the butler who takes care of this area, it
was found that in the late morning of Saturday, February 3, at approximately 9:30 a.m., the butler opened Mr. Chaiya’s office. Waiting for the termite spray technician at around 10:00 a.m., the termite spray technician came to get rid of termites on the balcony of the building. You must open this door first. So you can enter the balcony of the building. It takes about 5 minutes to spray termites.

In addition, the butler is also waiting for the air conditioner technician to come and clean the air conditioner. But the air conditioner technician cleans other air conditioners of the ministry first. So he came to Mr. Chaiyacha’s work area. The butler then locked the room.

When the information asked from the butler was compared with the CCTV images. Found consistent events The air conditioner technician came to the left wing at around 10:40 a.m. but the room was already locked. Unable to enter, so went back.

Previously, Ministry executives gave interviews that The fire may have started from the air conditioning
system. Because there was a technician coming to clean the air conditioner. It is only an assumption from the information given by a ministry official who was present on the day of the incident that an air conditioner technician came. But to conclude the true cause It is the duty of the investigating officer. The forensic officers had already collected all the evidence. Including collecting parts of electrical wires at the scene which are believed to be the cause of the fire. Which must wait for the police to investigate first

For inspecting the damage at the scene of the incident by Capt. Thammanat Phromphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives. Together with Mr. Chaiya, yesterday (Feb. 5) received permission from the police to verify evidence. Initially, the most severe damage was found in the kitchen or food preparation room. It is believed that the fire started in this room. which has many electrical appliances And there are still traces of burning that occurred. Flames can spread to curtains and wa
llpaper, which are good fuels. As a result, the flames spread to the sub-meeting room and working group room.

Reporters reported that The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives has verified information from CCTV cameras. Found the timeline of events as follows.

At approximately 9:26 a.m., the butler opened Mr. Chaiya’s work area.

At approximately 10:06 a.m., officials from the Office of the Minister of Agriculture and security guards brought termite technicians to exterminate termites.

At approximately 10:12 a.m., officials from the Office of the Minister of Agriculture returned.

At around 10:40 a.m., the air conditioner technician will come to clean the air conditioner. But he couldn’t enter the room, so he walked back.

Around 6:01 p.m., smoke began to appear.

At approximately 6:20 p.m., security guards and officials controlled the fire.

Later at approximately 8:00 p.m., the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives who just returned from official duty in Khon Kaen Province Inspect the fire situatio

Source: Thai News Agency