Carrying a diving Buddha image, an ancient tradition It is believed that the rain falls according to the season.


Phetchabun, Pa Daeng villagers, Pa Lao Subdistrict, Mueang Phetchabun District. Join together to perform a ceremony to carry the diving Buddha. An old tradition that has been passed down for hundreds of years. It is believed that when Luang Pho Phra Thong or Luang Pho Ha Yat are taken to dive, it will cause rain according to the season.

The ceremony takes place on the 14th day of the waning moon of the 5th lunar month every year. This year it falls on Tuesday, May 7th. Villagers unite in a procession for Luang Phor Haen relatives. From Wat Pho Klang, go around the village. so that the villagers can pour water on the Buddha image Each house uses a container to collect water from bathing. To be mixed with bath water and splashed around the house, believed to be Buddhist holy water from Luang Por Haen Kin. To help dispel bad things.

Then procession to the Grandfather Shrine at the end of the village to dance 3 rounds of offerings. After that, they are taken to the reservoir. To perform the diving ceremony, doi
ng it 3 times in total, then bringing it up for a celebration ceremony, dancing 3 times and then procession back to Wat Pho Klang. Baan Pa Daeng as usual

After the ceremony of carrying the Buddha under water Villagers will go down to bathe in the area where the ceremony will take place. Because it is believed that it cleanses bad things from the body. Including collecting flowers that fell away from Luang Phor Ha relatives during the ceremony to worship for good fortune.

Luang Pho Phra Thong or Luang Pho Ha Kin It is a Buddha image in the forbidding posture, 3 feet tall, with a full face and long ears. It is believed that it is a bronze Buddha image. But the villagers brought cement and painted it gold. for fear that it would be stolen by thieves It became another name that this Buddha statue was called. Luang Phor Phra Thong

This tradition of carrying Buddha under water There is a story told that There is a Buddha statue. Diving and swimming in the Pa Sak River In front of Traiphum Temple Villagers brough
t it to be enshrined at Wat Traiphum. Later it was found that water was flowing from his eyes. So there was a seance. and knew that the Buddha image wanted to be above the water Therefore it was brought to Wat Pho Klang. Until today .

Source: Thai News Agency