Bulog ensures imported frozen buffalo meat safety amid FMD outbreak

Internal Affairs

The State Logistics Agency (Bulog) has ensured that the frozen buffalo meat imported from India is safe from diseases and viruses amid the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak in Indonesia.

Business Director of Bulog Febby Novita stated during a discussion on FMD and the safety of imported meat from India at the JIEXPO Kemayoran here on Wednesday that frozen buffalo meat imported from India is safe and free from FMD. It can be consumed as an alternative source of protein and nutrition.

Novita spoke of she and her team having visited India to conduct direct inspections of the tracing and slaughtering process and transportation of livestock products in India.

She noted that the Bulog team had conducted inspections, right from the level of farmers to production houses in randomly selected areas to check the procedures implemented by frozen meat suppliers.

Novita explained that before being shipped to Indonesia, the frozen buffalo meat imported by Bulog is checked to ensure that it is from suppliers that hold a halal certificate from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and are permitted by the Ministry of Agriculture to supply their products to Indonesia.

“In addition, frozen meat products must meet the animal health criteria and be declared fit for human consumption as stated in the health certificate from the Veterinary Agency in India,” she further explained.

According to Novita, Bulog routinely conducts PCR testing at the Veterinary Farma Center to ensure the safety of frozen buffalo meat from India and as a preventive measure against FMD.

“Bulog routinely conducts laboratory tests, including FMD tests, to ensure that frozen meat from India meets the health requirements set by the government. Upon arrival in Indonesia, each container of the buffalo meat is immediately inspected by the Tanjung Priok Quarantine Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and given a certificate,” she remarked.

So far, Bulog has imported 57 thousand tons of buffalo meat from India, which has helped to meet the needs for frozen meat and handle the increase in meat prices from Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr.

Source: Antara News