Boeing CEO admits mistake after door panel fell off mid-air


Chief Executive Officer or CEO of Boeing. US plane maker admits mistake after door panel came off midair And will not allow this kind of incident to happen again.

Image credit: Chief Executive

CEO David Calhoun, 66, addressed employees at the Boeing 737 factory in Renton. Washington state says He was particularly shocked by the incident with an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 Max 9 on January 5 US time. The first thing to do is admit mistakes Boeing must fully embrace this and be transparent about everything it does. The company will ensure that After this, every plane will take to the skies with absolute safety. Boeing’s CEO took the opportunity to praise the Alaska Airlines pilot for the safe landing. All 171 passengers and six crew members suffered minor injuries. and praises Alaska Airlines for quickly grounding this aircraft despite the embarrassment.

US authorities have grounded more than 170 Boeing 737 Max 9 planes for a fourth day. Alaska Airlines and United Airlines, the two US airlines that use the p
lanes, have tested positive. The parked plane had several loose bolts. Boeing’s stock price fell 1.4 percent on Tuesday, while Alaska Airlines canceled 109 flights, or 18 percent of its total flights. United Airlines canceled 225 flights, or 8 percent of its flights. Both airlines are expected to cancel about the same number of flights today.

Source: Thai News Agency