BNPB provides aid to Bima for flood handling


Mataram (ANTARA) – The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has distributed logistics assistance and equipment to Bima, West Nusa Tenggara, to help the district deal with the impact of the flooding it experienced in April first week 2023.ccording to an official statement received in Mataram, the assistance was given to the district head of Bima, Indah Dhamayanti Putri, by associate expert disaster management manager of the BNPB’s Directorate of Emergency Infrastructure, Rudy Supriadi J.F., in Bima District on Saturday. “In an effort to handle the hydrometeorological natural disaster emergency that occurred in Bima Regency, BNPB today distributed emergency response assistance to the Bima regency government, in the form of logistical assistance and equipment,” Supriadi said. The assistance given to the Bima local government amounted to Rp250 million, he informed. It was allocated for ready-to-use funds and command posts, and Rp100 million of the aid was in the form of logistics assistance and equipment needed during the emergency response and recovery period, he added. BNPB also provided logistics assistance in the form of two thousand mattresses and twothousand blankets as well as five generator units. “Hopefully, it can be quickly distributed and used by the people affected by the disaster,” Supriadi said. Meanwhile, Bima District Head Indah Dhamayanti Putri said that the emergency response assistance to the Bima local government will be used optimally for handling floods in a number of affected sub-districts. Putri, who was accompanied by Head of the Bima Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD)Isyra, also expressed his gratitude to BNPB for the assistance received. “After the assistance is received, it will be immediately coordinated with the relevant regional apparatus, namely BPBD, Social Service, Public Housing and Residential Areas Service, and other elements to act as soon as possible in order to distribute the aid to affected communities,” she said.

Source:Antara News Agency