Be sure before sharing: Is it true that radishes cleanse blood vessels, nourish the heart, and ward off cancer?


On social media, there are shares that radishes are a medical food. Boost immunity Sulfur repels germs. Clears stains from blood vessels, nourishes the heart, wards off cancer, revitalizes the liver and kidneys, and radish leaves can also eliminate toxins from the body.

?? Check with Asst. Prof. Dr. Sudathip Saetan, Department of Food Science and Technology. Faculty of Agro-Industry Kasetsart University

Some of this is true, but there may need to be more explanation: “Medical food” dietitians and doctors take care that patients eat additional food. To improve nutritional status

To say that radishes alone are medical food cannot be said that way.

The sulfur in radishes repel all kinds of germs, kill parasites, worms, and intestinal worms?

Radishes contain a sulfur component called glucosinolate, a substance that radishes produce to protect themselves. Do not allow worms to destroy the radishes.

Sulfur-containing substances are not unique to radishes. It is present in all cruciferous plants such as cabbag
e, cauliflower, and broccoli.

Additionally, this does not mean that eating radishes will kill parasites, worms, and worms in the body. This has not been studied in humans.

Organosulfur helps clean blood vessels?

Organosulfur is tested. (organosulfur) in experimental animals has shown that it can reduce LDL cholesterol levels. But there are few studies of people. Therefore, it cannot be confirmed that it makes people’s arteries and veins clean.

Nourishes the heart, increases good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol?

Only half true Because it can help reduce LDL fat. But there has been no report of an increase in HDL fat.

If and when people have clean blood vessels It will help reduce the risk of heart disease. Atherosclerosis and other diseases can

Radishes drive away all types of cancer and rejuvenate the kidneys, pancreas, and spleen.

Saying that “radishes drive away cancer” is an exaggeration.

About radish extract Although there have been studies of its effects in cancer But not all types of can
cer And most of it is just observation. It was found that people who eat plants that contain this group of substances (Not just radishes) Less chance of cancer. But it’s not just eating radishes.

As of now, there is no information on whether radishes help restore the kidneys, pancreas, or spleen.

Radish leaves are prebiotics.

Radish is a prebiotic.

Radish leaves are a source of dietary fiber.

Not all dietary fiber is classified as a prebiotic.

Therefore, it cannot be said that radish leaves are prebiotic.

The ‘prebiotics’ mentioned are once eaten. Can be food for microorganisms Resulting in better health

In addition, both the leaves and radishes contain other important substances such as high levels of vitamin C, B1, B2 and niacin, iodine, sulfur, flavonoids, catechins, sulfur compounds.

Prevent neurological diseases

Several studies have shown that sulfur-containing glucosinolate extracts improve brain cell health. work better There is research that says that it helps improve the memory of animals’
brain substances. But there have been no studies conducted on people.

Therefore, it is said that eating radishes helps nourish the brain. Prevent Alzheimer’s It is an exaggeration.

Radishes eliminate toxins, DDT, radiation, heavy metals, and viruses.

This is not true. Radish extracts are currently being tested on animals. It has been found to increase the liver’s ability to eliminate toxins from the body. But there is no direct data to say that radish extract can remove these substances.

Radishes can be eaten any way you want, including raw, cooked, heated, or fermented. This is because sulfur compounds cannot be broken down by the cooking process. This effect can be expected.

In conclusion, there should be further explanation. These properties have not been researched in humans. There is no clear conclusion. In addition to eating radishes, you should also eat a variety and appropriate amount of other plants.

Interview by Peeraphon Anutarasothi

Compiled by Komsthanon Sukajjasakul

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Source: Thai News Agency