Be sure before sharing. FACTSHEET : Watery eyes.


March 10, 2024 What causes wet eyes? Is it a sign of eye disease? and how to take care of it Here are some facts and advice from experts.

Sure Before Sharing Center, check with Professor Wutthikun Dr. Sakchai Wongsakittirak. Academic Chair Royal College of Ophthalmologists of Thailand

Watery eyes are symptoms of frequent tearing. Eye discharge is sticky. Cloudy white or yellow The color of the eye discharge can indicate the condition of the disease.

Watery eyes can be caused by many reasons, such as:

Virus infection

Bacterial infection

eye allergy conjunctivitis The body responds sensitively to external stimuli such as pollen and animal fur.

Dry eyes cause eye irritation. Many tears will flow.

Tears can’t be drained out Mostly found in newborns.

Watery eyes usually start on one side first. If good hygiene is maintained, it may go away. But we often accidentally touch the affected eye with our hand. Touching the other eye often causes or can cause infection in both eyes


Use eye drops or a
rtificial tears. To reduce eye irritation

Avoid using your eyes for a long time.

Wash your hands thoroughly. Do not let your hands touch your eyes.

If you suspect that the problem of excessive eye discharge may be due to allergies. Should be examined by a doctor. To find out exactly what you are allergic to Or symptoms may be alleviated with antihistamines. and use artificial tears To help reduce irritation to the eyes.

Source: Thai News Agency