Be sure before sharing. CHECK-LIST: 5 popular stories, all kinds of things you shouldn’t do during the summer. Is it true?


March 3, 2024

As shared about all the things you shouldn’t do during the summer. Drink cold water, take a cold shower, or turn on the air conditioner to sleep. And in the summer, you have to fill up your car’s gas tank. To prevent the car from exploding What’s the matter? Let’s go follow.

Number 1 : 6 things that should not be placed in cars. Is it true ?

A warning has been shared to help prevent summer accidents: 6 items you shouldn’t forget to leave in your car. When it is necessary to park in the hot sun For that safety

Conclusion : True, can be shared ?

Check the facts with : Prof. Dr. Teerayut Wilaiwan, Lecturer, Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science Chulalongkorn University

1. Lighter in case of parking in the sun with a high temperature. It will react with the liquid chemicals inside the lighter. And at a certain point The lighter will explode on its own, causing a fire.

2. Various aerosol cans, because heat causes the gas in the can to expand. There is a higher pressure. There is also a ch
ance of it exploding.

3. Dry ice In this case, the dry ice will begin to sublimate. and reacts with carbon dioxide to the inside of the car Drivers and passengers will inhale it without realizing it. and eventually causing unconsciousness

4. A clear plastic bottle full of water. When you place a plastic water bottle on the dashboard of your car, And park the car in an area where the sun shines at an angle with the water bottle. Light refracts and causes a car fire. But in this case there is a very small chance of this happening.

5. Devices with all types of batteries, such as smartphones, spare batteries. In this case, the heat may damage the internal circuit. damaged Risk of shock and explosion.

6. Eraser: When the eraser is placed inside a car that is exposed to sunlight or high temperatures. Plastic riser The inside of the eraser will dissolve into water. And when these substances dry, they form hard sludge stuck inside the car.

Number 2 : In hot weather, do not drink and take cold showers. Is it true

A warning was shared that When the weather is as hot as 40 degrees Celsius, if you drink ice immediately it can cause blood vessels to burst. Therefore, you must be careful about drinking cold water, taking cold showers, washing your hands, washing your face, and feet with that cold water.

Conclusion : Not true, should not be shared ?

Check the facts with : Dr. Kornphak Wangthanaphat, Neurology Institute, Department of Medical Services.

harmless Because our body has a mechanism to maintain body temperature close to 37 degrees Celsius, so when we drink cold water or take a cold shower, and the body felt that it was too cold The brain then orders the blood vessels to contract. Order your muscles to vibrate To adjust the temperature inside the body back to 37 degrees Celsius.

Number 3 : Is it true that turning on the air conditioner to sleep is life-threatening ?

Five tips were shared for turning on the air conditioner to sleep, such as new sweating. You should not turn on the air conditioner immediately
. The air vent should be adjusted to face upwards. Remind if you forget to do these things. It may be life threatening.

Conclusion : Not true, should not be shared ?

Check the facts with : Lecturer Dr. Thitiwat Sriprasat, Respiratory Disease and Critical Care Unit Chulalongkorn Hospital

In the case of sharing, it is about turning on the air conditioner to sleep inside the house, not sleeping in the car. Therefore it is not life-threatening. In the case of patients with various respiratory diseases, the temperature should be adjusted appropriately. And you should not let the air blow directly into your face or nose.

Number 4 : Hot weather requires a full tank of gas. Is it true to avoid explosions ?

A clip has been shared warning of hot weather. Must fill the gas tank first. Because a car with an empty tank of gas becomes a high-class bomb.

Conclusion : Some parts are true, should not be shared ??

Check the facts with : Prof. Dr. Teerayut Wilaiwan, Lecturer, Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science Ch
ulalongkorn University

‘There is no chance of an explosion from parking in the sun. Because the temperature must be high to the point of ignition. If it’s gasohol, it’s about 300 degrees Celsius or 280 degrees Celsius. This high temperature cannot occur under normal conditions. Therefore, whether the gas tank is full or not, people do not have to worry. As for the clip shared, the source referenced here is only a test with controlled variables and the creation of a specific situation.’

Number 5 : 7 foods you have to be careful of during the summer. Is it true ?

A warning has been shared to be careful of 7 delicious dishes to be careful of during the summer.

Conclusion : True, can be shared ?

Check the facts with : Chadamas Promkham, Research Practitioner Institute of Nutrition Mahidol University

Hot weather causes microorganisms in food to grow more than other foods. Makes food spoil quickly

Seafood – easily perishable because most of it is fresh. It doesn’t take long to blanch and boil.

Somtam – Micr
oorganisms may contaminate tomatoes, papaya that are not washed properly. Including using raw fermented fish or raw pickled crab.

Khao with curry – food that contains coconut milk. Makes microorganisms grow well and is easily perishable.

Fermented food – Microorganisms are usually found in fermented food + Food storage is not hygienic. spoil easily

Yam Laab Koi Namtok – Using fresh, uncleaned produce causes good microbial growth.

Sushi at flea markets – squid toppings, shrimp eggs cause microorganisms to grow.

Ice – water + unclean production + transportation + poor packaging Increases microorganisms

In addition to the 7 types of food, you should be careful of “Khanom Jeen” because it is a fermented food. No preservatives added. and coconut milk in a solution that makes it easily perishable as well

Fact checked by: Peeraphon Anutarasothi, Akkharawut Tuvachirakul,

Source: Thai News Agency