Be sure before sharing: 9 benefits of boiled eggs, are they true?


On social media, a clip was shared showing 9 benefits of boiled eggs, such as helping build muscle. Strengthens the immune system, nourishes bones, nails, hair, eyesight, brain and reduces the risk of heart disease.

?? Check the facts with expert Dr. Achiraya Khamchansupasin. Research practitioner Institute of Nutrition Mahidol University

The 9 benefits of boiled eggs shared here are “true”.

‘Boiled eggs’ are a nutritious food. It is nutritious, cheap and easy to eat.

Question 1: Boiled eggs are rich in essential nutrients ?

True… Boiled eggs provide the main nutrient, which is “protein”, but there are also other nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, including in the antioxidant group. (Antioxidant) that helps to take care of the body’s health as well.

If you are in good health and without any congenital diseases You can eat 1 egg per day or maybe more.

If you are confident that you do not have a problem with chronic non-communicable diseases. (Non-Communicable Diseases: NCDs) such as hypercholes
terolemia. People with high blood pressure, diabetes, or have restrictions that have been forbidden by their doctor can eat eggs.

Point 2 : Eat boiled eggs because raw eggs are not good for the body. Will uncooked egg whites prevent biotin absorption?

True… if you eat raw eggs, the egg white contains a substance called avidin, a protein that is present in only 0.05 percent of the egg white of the whole egg. But vitamins are important. This is because avidin binds to a vitamin called biotin.

‘Biotin’ is a type of vitamin that is water soluble. Known by other names: Vitamin H or Vitamin B7.

‘Avidin’ binds with a nutrient in the vitamin D group called biotin. It will hinder the body’s absorption. Prevent biotin from being absorbed and used.

Another part, if you eat raw food (Not specific to egg whites) may contain pathogens, namely Salmonella, the bacteria that causes food poisoning. Can cause diarrhea and vomiting.

Point 3 : Boiled eggs help build muscle?

This is also true.

One chicken egg weighs appr
oximately 50 grams and contains 6-7 grams of protein and 9 types of essential amino acids for the body.

The normal amount of protein that people need is 1 gram per 1 kilogram of body weight, but in the case of athletes who want to build muscle. Will need more protein (about 1.2-1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight)

Point 4 : Strengthen bones?

It is also true that 1 chicken egg will contain a certain amount of calcium. If we calculate the percentage of daily needs of people, it is 15.8 percent, while 1 glass of milk has about 25-30 percent of calcium and about 1/4 of the daily phosphorus needs. It also contains vitamin D. This will help promote the absorption of calcium into the bones.

Point 5 : Strengthen immunity?

Nutrients that help boost immunity in boiled eggs or in eggs Contains the vitamin group vitamin A, vitamin D or zinc.

Question 6 : Boiled eggs nourish nails and hair?

Because human hair, nails, or skin come from proteins.

Therefore, if you get enough protein. Including nutrients such as zi
nc and vitamin D, they will help strengthen our hair, nails, and skin.

Point 7 : Nourish eyesight and prevent macular degeneration?

This is probably from the important substances in the egg yolk. That is the group of substances Lutein (Lutein) and Zeaxanthin (Zeaxanthin).

‘Lutein’ and ‘zeaxanthin’ are located on our retina. Therefore, if you eat this group of nutrients that are in the yolk. or vegetables and fruits Colors that are yellow-orange, such as carrots and pumpkins, will help increase the density of the retina.

Point 8 : Nourish the brain and prevent Alzheimer’s?

True… all because there are a variety of important nutrients. One of the important nutrients in eggs is choline, a nutrient in the B vitamin group that helps with the functioning of the nervous system and brain.

‘Choline’ is a substance that is in the brain’s brain. nerve cell membrane Helps reduce the risk of brain disease. which Alzheimer’s disease is one of them.

It may not be possible to say that If you eat eggs regularly, you w
ill be prevented, but using the word “can reduce the risk” of brain disease is more likely.

Choline is actually found in many other foods as well. Meat, heart, brain, or green leafy vegetables and beans also contain choline as a component.

Point 9 : Reduce the risk of heart disease. Unsaturated fats like omega-3 in boiled eggs help nourish the heart. Reduce triglycerides?

fat in eggs Contains all types of fat. Whether it is saturated fat Unsaturated fats, good fats like omega 3 fatty acids (Omega 3)

Therefore, if you eat a variety of foods also received a variety of fats It will help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Summary: Video of 9 benefits of boiled eggs. What are they?

In the section of the clip that suggests eating boiled eggs is beneficial to health. It’s true Can be shared further

Eating properly with understanding Helps you get the full benefit from food.

Interview by Peeraphon Anutarasothi

Compiled by Komsthanon Sukajjasakul

See more, sure before sharing: 9 benefits of boiled eggs, are t
hey true?

Source: Thai News Agency