Banyumas: Man arrested for posting obscene photos of ex-lover

Internal Affairs

The Banyumas city police, Central Java, have detained a 25-year-old man for posting obscene photos of his ex-lover on social media and sending their prints to the victim’s home.

AJ, a resident of Kemranjen, Banyumas district, was arrested from his home on Monday (January 3, 2021), after evading arrest for more than one year, Banyumas Police chief, Commissioner M. Firman L. Hakim, informed in Banyumas on Tuesday.

The victim, DV (21), also a resident of Banyumas, filed a case against AJ over the photos in 2020.

She reportedly found out about the photos from three witnesses, who informed her that AJ had posted nude photos of her on WhatsApp groups and Facebook in February 2020. They reportedly told DV that the person in the images looked like her, police said.

Furthermore, AJ also allegedly printed and sent the photos to the victim’s home.

Based on the report, officers from the Banyumas Police’s Criminal Investigation Agency conducted an investigation to determine AJ’s whereabouts, who reportedly fled to the Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi) area.

“Finally, we were able to arrest the perpetrator who was in his house,” Hakim said on Tuesday.

AJ admitted to posting the photos so that the victim would meet him before she broke up with him unilaterally, head of Banyumas Criminal Investigation Agency, Berry, informed.

AJ took the photos while they were still in a relationship, he said.

“When they were still in a relationship, the perpetrator often asked for the victim’s naked photos over the phone,” he informed.

In addition to detaining the perpetrator, Banyumas Police also secured evidence such as five pieces of photo prints, one mobile phone, one compact disc (CD), one bundle of photo prints, among others for further legal process, he said.

AJ has been charged under Article 45 paragraph (1) of Law No. 19 of 2016 on Amendments to Law No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions. If found guilty, he faces imprisonment of up to six years and/or a maximum fine of Rp1 billion.


Source: Antara News

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