Bangkok supports setting up a committee to examine the purchase of exercise equipment.


Bangkok,, Bangkok fully supports the State Audit Office in setting up a committee to examine the purchase of exercise equipment. Found a wrong tooth and didn’t care for it. Ready to invite the public to join in checking via the website.

Mr. Sanont Wangsangbun, Deputy Governor of Bangkok, revealed that the Office of the Auditor General of Thailand (OAG) has come to inspect the bidding project for the purchase of 11 items of physical fitness enhancing equipment at the Vajira Benjathat Sports Center. and Wareephirom Sports Center By means of electronic bidding (e-bidding), BMA has cooperated with The State Audit Office does its best to provide all relevant information. In order for the inspection to be transparent At this time, a letter has been made to explain the facts regarding the procurement of equipment. of the Wareephirom Sports Center has been sent to the State Audit Office. and is in the process of preparing information and preparing additional documents for the Vachirabenjathat Sports Center to send

Including the Bangkok Anti-Corruption Operations Center (BMA Anti-Corruption Operations Center) has taken up the case of the purchase of exercise equipment according to the bidding project for the purchase of 11 items of physical fitness enhancing equipment at the Vachirabenjathat Sports Center. and Wareephirom Sports Center Enter the consideration process of the committee that the Governor Has ordered an urgent investigation of the facts. If there is found to be a basis for corruption, the matter will be sent to the Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), and if it is in violation of discipline, it will be sent to the Permanent Secretary of Bangkok for further action. The public can participate in the investigation. You can do it yourself through In addition, Bangkok will work together with the State Audit Office and various partners to inspect other projects with thoroughness. Continue to be careful and transparent.

Mr. Somboon Homnan, Deputy Permanent Secretary of Ban
gkok, said that the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration places importance on conducting procurement bidding using the e-bidding method, which must follow the procedures of the Public Sector Procurement and Supplies Management Act. 2017 in all respects. As for the source of the average price, it must be verified that the price has been investigated from the market. Is it as specified by the regulations and orders?

Source: Thai News Agency