Ask a former soldier to wash his underwear Enter information Confirmed that all wrongdoing can be removed.


House, Minister of Defense asks former military personnel to wash their underwear. Enter information Confirming that everyone can be prosecuted, even if he is a general. It is suspected that he may have been attacked before the military draft. Order an IO check

Mr. Suthin Khlangsaeng, Minister of Defense Mentioning the case of a former soldier belonging to the Royal Thai Navy. Came out to reveal the matter of having to wash underwear for high-ranking military officers, saying that this matter happened and was considered a disservice. We have ordered an inspection. and ask for cooperation with those who have been subjected to such acts Please come give information. In which unit did it happen? Whose house is which soldier? Because of this matter before he became a minister The previous minister had canceled it and had advised him not to do it.

‘Who takes soldiers to serve? and went to do work outside of the official duties and duties, could not do it when he came to take the position confirm this policy and
told the Inspector General Be especially careful about this matter. which the Inspector General has reported This event is less common. But it’s still not quite finished. Therefore, the story that emerges is understood as It’s already a little leftover. Even if there is little left, we don’t want any left over. Today we will move forward and ask for your cooperation. If a soldier were to experience something like this Or were ordered to do this by a supervisor? Don’t be afraid. Today we have mobile phones and social media. You can send and show evidence. Confirm that you will definitely receive protection. At least I myself will be protected. And society will definitely protect you. Society will not side with commanders who do such things,’ Mr. Suthin said.

When asked if there is Pages on social media came out and posted rules to cancel the Minister of Defense. which has been abolished for more than 100 years. Do you think this was an attack before the military draft was drafted? Mr. Suthin said he was suspi
cious. This has an impact on people thinking of enlisting in the military. He always said that it was a negative factor. namely, the issue of deploying soldiers to serve, brutal training, and the issue of salary. which we are strict and strict about But there is still this issue that keeps coming out. If there are people who intend to make this policy unsuccessful It is considered unusable. But intent or not, it has an effect. He then requested that If it’s a large white cloth And then there was a little black spot. We have to help each other solve and expand the issue. But not to protect I don’t agree.

When asked if it would be possible to prosecute soldiers at the general level who committed crimes, Mr. Suthin said that they can be prosecuted at all levels. One reason is that it is a breach of discipline because of violating and not following the supervisor’s policy. And two crimes must also be punished. Because it was forced Threaten people into doing things that are outside of their scope. give orders il
legally with government regulations So general or not general? must be subject to all laws

However, if it is a case where soldiers voluntarily go to serve, Mr. Suthin said that this matter has happened in the past and is the result of service that was necessary. For senior officers for combat or battle situations. There must be a service to help take care of adults. Take care of coordination matters as if you were a personal secretary. But you have to perform a mission that is truly a duty. But it cannot go that far. This regulation has already been revised or repealed.

As for the case where the opposition came out to attack the issue, Mr. Suthin said that it was okay, so he wanted to say that asking the opposition to complain would be enough. It’s beneficial. But if it were to expand, it would be detrimental to the policy. or lose image The intention is to damage the organization’s image. Whether the military is being attacked by IO or not, Mr. Suthin said that it is also possible. It’s being checked. This
morning he ordered an IP check.

Source: Thai News Agency