“Anutin” Yan Budget is enough to remedy the floods in the North.

Internal Affairs

“Anutin” Minister of Home Affairs There is enough to help and heal those affected by the floods in the northern region. Accept that the Interior has the power to mitigate disasters. Meanwhile, the power to protect belongs to the National Water Resources Agency. Emphasizing the need to discuss and add to the shortcomings in order to prepare a new budget in the future.

Mr. Anutin Chanweerakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs, said that the government is currently ready to help people affected by the floods. Medical supplies, accommodation manpower Tools to help alleviate suffering, especially in Chiang Rai province where there is a problem of muddy soil. This must be cleaned up quickly before it dries and becomes clay. Today (16 September), the Prime Minister will call a meeting to set up the Flood Victim Assistance Operation Center and the Flood Situation Management and Management Committee at 2 p.m. The Prime Minister has asked the Ministry of Home Affairs to expedite the investigation of
the people’s suffering. Present the account of each household on how to receive the remedy money. The Prime Minister also instructed the Ministry of Home Affairs, which oversees the Provincial Electricity Authority and the Provincial Water Supply Authority, the two state-owned enterprises, to provide relief without charging electricity and water bills. If this is not possible, he asked to reduce the water and electricity tariff and revealed that there will be a meeting of the Provincial Electricity Authority today and it is expected that the Provincial Waterworks Authority will have a meeting soon.

Meanwhile, Mr. Anutin admitted that the authority of the Ministry of Home Affairs is limited because according to the law, the authority to plan for protection is vested in the National Water Resources Agency or the National Water Resources Agency. Therefore, all parties must discuss how in the new budget for 2026, it is necessary to inject the budget into the NTC or increase personnel and evacuation. The emphasis
is on mitigation because the law was made before the current government and the previous government because it cut off the defense power of the Ministry of Home Affairs. Therefore, do we have to find out that the NTC? What is still lacking because we are sure that there is no lack of cooperation from all departments.

The Ministry of Home Affairs said that when the provincial governor declares an area as a disaster, there will be a government budget to initially remedy the villagers. If it is not enough, The matter can be expanded to the Cabinet for approval. He also confirmed that there is no problem with the warning because there are many forms that must be looked at at the site, such as assisting in caring for and evacuating people from risky areas, setting up shelters, preparing food, and arranging security for the homes of evacuated people to build confidence and not worry about the property in their own homes.

Mr. Anutin also reiterated that the budget used to manage the situation and remedy the people
is already sufficient. If the budget for disasters, including the central budget, can be used by the Prime Minister at his discretion. Inject money to alleviate suffering. However, from now on, it is necessary to find a way to plan to prevent a recurrence of the incident because there are both internal and external factors that need to be discussed and negotiated with foreign countries, which is a matter in which many ministries are involved.

Source: Thai News Agency