“Anutin” reveals he has a heart arrhythmia. Reason for little rest

Internal Affairs

Government House, May 27 – “Anutin” reveals he has a heart arrhythmia, says he has now recovered. Get a little rest. You have to rearrange your life schedule. But you can’t work less.

Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Mentioning his illness last week, It’s better now. But you need to be more fit and healthy. Because in the past I didn’t exercise enough and slept little. Now I need to sleep more. and arrange your life schedule well

Mr. Anutin also said that doctors had determined that he had atrial fibrillation that was abnormally fast. (Supraventricular Tachycardia – SVT) which is characterized by a heartbeat that is faster than normal. Causing the blood flow not to go through the channel where it should go. Therefore, he had to be shocked to get his heart back to beating normally. At first I thought it was heart disease. But the doctor said it wasn’t. Not related to cardiovascular disease But it depends on other factors. You have to rest a lot and not be stressed,
but you can’t work less. 312

Source: Thai News Agency