“Ananchai” urges investigation of Surat Thani prosecutor, kicking the “psychic connection case”


Attorney Ananchai File a complaint with the Attorney General Urge them to investigate the Surat Thani prosecutor, kicking and stalling the “psychic connection case” and bringing important information to reveal as well.

Lawyer Ananchai Chaiyadej, President of the Army Lawyers Foundation Traveled to submit a letter to Mr. Prayut Phetkun, spokesman for the Attorney General’s Office. Inspect the duties of the Prosecutor for Rights Protection and Legal Aid, Surat Thani Province. Behavior characterized by negligence except from the performance of duties Do not provide assistance for social development in Surat Thani Province. In submitting a petition to the court in the case of spiritual connectionism to protect children

Lawyer Ananchai said that he wanted the Surat Thani Provincial Prosecutor Perform duties honestly and being a mentor and giving advice to the Provincial Health Office because in the past A petition has been filed with the court. But the petition was raised. whereas when asking for the reason Rec
eived an answer from the PMO back that there was no assistance from the prosecutor’s department. Including saying that the reasons submitted do not fit into the issue of child protection, causing today to come and request assistance from the Attorney General. and asked the Surat Thani Provincial Prosecutor on 2 issues. The first issue was Have you performed your duties fully in the past? And the second issue, from today the Prosecutor Surat will help. Can the MSD both advise and provide legal assistance?

In addition, Attorney Ananchai Also said that I have something shocking that I want to tell society. Going back to the time when officials went to the area to talk with the children of the mind linking cult. But at one point the child’s mother asked the staff whether the child was autistic or not. which such sentence Making many people stunned and asking the question, If a mother wonders if her child is or isn’t. Why didn’t you take me to the doctor?

Prayuth Phetkhun, spokesman for the Attorney General’s Of
fice, explained that in this matter, society must go back and look at the welfare of a child who can be taken care of by the law. Inappropriate use of parental power? In this case, officials can step in and separate parental authority from the parents as required by law. and if there is violence against children Can be submitted to the Juvenile Court to come in and take care of and protect children As for the information provided by Attorney Ananchai, it is stated that the Provincial Health Office confirmed that the Surat Prosecutor did not give advice. Confirmed is not true and in the case of Surat Thani Province want to proceed with filing a petition with the court yourself without going through the Surat Thani prosecutor In this process, the application for welfare protection is still in the court. The Attorney General’s Office will not interfere. But confirmed that the prosecutor Not exempt or neglecting to perform duties

Source: Thai News Agency