Academics point out that the Election Commission raised 4 petition to disband, step far, fair, seize the km.

Internal Affairs

Bangkok, June 11- Scholars point out that the Election Commission raised 4 petition to dissolve the Kaow Klai Party. Legal and fair Not seen as bullying It is good news that we will go ahead and form a government. Indicates that there are other factors, especially Section 151, in the event that you know that you are disqualified but still refuse to apply, still 50:50

Associate Professor Chet Donavanik Legal scholar Former Faculty Advisor The Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) mentioned that the ECT raised 4 petition to dissolve the Kao Klai Party that it was a good sign for the Kao Klai Party that was about to form a government. Because if every story that the party sings is advanced, then the Election Commission accepts it all whether there is an issue or not It will be seen as bullying. or wanting to overthrow the party which is not good So shedding the cluttered things That is, the complaint has no basis, there is no issue, the Election Commission must reject it for fairness. However, raising such a petition does not mean that the government can be formed as desired because there are many other factors.

for the case The Election Commission rejected Mr Pita Limcharoenrat’s petition. A prime ministerial candidate from the Kao Klai Party held ITV shares, but accepted the matter for consideration under Section 151 because he already knew that he was not eligible to stand for election. but also disobeys that A former adviser to the CDC said that this issue has both positives and negatives. Because in the case of saying Lack of features at all that was not on purpose not taking carelessness If holding media shares It will lack the qualifications at all. But if based on Section 151 from stating that anyone who already knows that he was incompetent and still went to apply for that election Even if the punishment is severe But the state of proof is greater. which takes longer Because in the end, it has to be sent to the Criminal Court. And it is that both parties are able to bring evidence to prove.

As for looking at the documents and evidence that have appeared in the media, will Mr. Phitha escape from lack of qualifications or not? Associate Professor Chet said that as far as looking at the chances, there are 50 to 50 because it appears in the media that nothing can be confirmed as to whether Mr. Phitha is holding shares. as an estate administrator? as holding for heirs or holding for himself and transfer of shares who says that the transfer is only transferred or renounces the inheritance and finally if the origin is still holding The destination means ITV. In conclusion, is it still a medium? Still working or not Therefore, nothing can be concluded. because primary data is still unclear and now do not know Court order for Mr. Pita At what level is the inheritance managed? How long is it?-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency