A grand ceremony to pay homage to the Lord of the Nagas, the 9-headed Naga King, Thao Wirupakkho.


Wat Hua Don, Nakhon Phanom Province, held a grand ceremony on the 9th day of the 9th month to pay homage to the Lord of the Naga, Thao Wirupakkhonakhon, a 9-headed Naga, almost 30 meters tall.

At Wat Hua Don, Tambon That Phanom, Amphoe That Phanom, Nakhon Phanom Province, it was bustling with Naga devotees, including the general public and over 1,000 tourists, joining in the ceremony to worship the large Naga, the Lord of the Naga, Thao Wirupakkho Nakharat with 9 heads, almost 30 meters high, the Naga guarding the Phra That Siwali Naga Guard Pagoda, the golden body, built by Phra Ajahn Kaew Thitsilo, the abbot of Wat Hua Don, together with the merit-making and faith-seeking people, who joined as hosts, with a construction value of 20 million baht, holding the grand ceremony on the 9th day of the 9th month according to traditional beliefs.

The origin of the 9-headed Naga represents the care of Buddhism and the intention to make it an important sacred landmark for people and tourists to worship and ask for b
lessings, enhance auspiciousness, and also promote and stimulate the Dharma tourism economy, making tourism on the spiritual path of Nakhon Phanom Province more lively.

Phra Ajahn Kaew Thitsilo, the abbot of Wat Hua Don, distributed amulets, the Kaew Sarapat Nuek amulets, with a long line of disciples waiting to receive the amulets. It is believed that these amulets have the power of the Buddha, bring good fortune, make business prosperous, attract kindness and popularity, and bring success in work.

Source: Thai News Agency