8-year-old young novice passes exam to recite Patimokkha


Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, Amazing! An 8-year-old novice novice passed the Patimokkha novice program, completing the recitation in 55 minutes, making him the youngest novice to pass the program.

Wat Tako, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province Together with the National Office of Buddhism (B.E.), organized a project for novices to practice the Patimokkha. Celebrating His Majesty the King’s 72nd Birthday Anniversary There are 72 novices participating in the project, coming from all 4 regions, 17 provinces during April-July 2024.

Novice monk Kan Kawin Thaniwan, 8 years old, Wat Nikhom Phang 16, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, teacher examiner Phra Mahajai Khemajitto (P.Th. 9), president of the project, exam starts at 6:05 a.m., ends at 7:01 a.m. Use Total exam time is 55 minutes. Recitation ends on 27 April 2024.

It is also reported that Novice Panuwat Kongthungmon, 17 years old, Wat Molilokayaram The youngest novice in history to take the Pali exam and receive 9 Pali Dhamma (P.D.) sentences, who also participated in
this project. I passed the exam for this project. Passing the exam as picture 22, taking the exam 50 minutes, finishing on April 22, 2024.

As for the “Patimokkha”, it is a scripture that includes 227 monastic disciplines, a compilation of the Buddhist precepts that were established as the Buddhist realm. Appears in the Vinaya Pitaka. Suttavibha?ga category There is a Buddhist permission to recite it at the Sangha meeting every half month, called the Sangha making an uposatha. It is considered one of the important principles in the Threefold Teachings. By definition, according to the term, it means Dhamma that frees the healer from defilements, sorrow, lust, etc., or Dhamma that frees one from wrongdoing. Monks must enter the chapel. To review the Patimokkha as a monthly activity.

Source: Thai News Agency